Stepfather ruined our whole life

Stepfather ruined our whole life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to emphasize that we live in Tajikistan andmy mom is Russianfather was Tajik. My father died when I was 4 years old, ourthe family consists of my brother’s mother and there is also an aunt, but she lives separately from us in another region. Mom suffered a lot and suffered throughout her entire childhood and youth, I confess about this separately, and now about my stepfather.

When my father died, she packed her things, took me and my brother and left; we didn’t have an apartment, sincemy mother took my father from us by deception, although my mother invested 80% in her and my father 20%. Mom got a job as a waiter and worked hard for days to provide us with housing and everything else so that we would not need anything. They looked after my mother a lot, offeredWe were ready to marry and have children, but my mother refused everyone, she was afraid that they would treat us badly. It was hard for my mother, and she began to get involved in alcohol, and when I was 11 years old, a stepfather appeared in our life, I still remember with hatred.

He liked his mother, because she was hard-working; he himself was a slacker and was almost 50 years old. Without documents, he sat on his mother’s neck; she was nearly 80 years old. He could play nice tricks on his ears or show his good side, so he was able to please my mother, because she just wanted male support, he promised that everything would be fine, she wouldn’t work, he would take us to Moscow. She fell in love, continued to work, he already lived with us,My brother left to study at that time. My stepfather, as always, went about his business all day long, while he either stayed with his mother or with his friends, slept, ate, and came in the evening, saying that tomorrow everything would work out about his work and the money that someone owed him, like, but doesn't give it away. And his mother believed and endured, she would buy food, his friends came and ate everything, they organized gatherings.

And before leaving my brother they hid at homemoney for my brother’s studies, only the three of them knew the place, I didn’t know, then half of the money was gone, they just disappeared. He tried to blame it on me, like I could have brought my friends home and they stole it, then the truth came out anyway, he took this money to his mother (they had to pay the rent or they would have been kicked out). He started beating my mother terribly, but I didn’t know about it, and if I had known, how much I would have helped. He brought us to the point where we were left on the street, and brought us to live with his friend, and thereEvery day there were drinking sessions and fights. Mom worked and spent everything on food for everyone, and mom is such a person by nature, she is kind, if she is offended, she keeps it to herself.

And off we go. They began to lash out at my mother, humiliate her, my stepfather beat her terribly every time, but all this happened when I was not at home, and so I fought with them, stood up for them, snapped at them. My stepfather only had enough strength for us, he was afraid of others, he lived with us for 5 years, and all this time he pressed my mother’s carotid artery, she fainted, and he beat her in places where he shouldn’t. bruises remain so that she cannot scream and call forhelp . I was afraid to go to school because I thought I would come and she would be beaten again, but I forgot to say the most important thing, she started drinking with them, they drank diluted alcohol. At that time I was 14-15 years old, I went to school hungry, I had nothing to eat, at school the teachers did not take me seriously, because my stepfather and I were spreading rumors about me and spreading the word that I was a drug addict.

Of course, he was afraid of me and never said that to my face, he didn’t touch my mother in front of the house, because I immediately ran to the police, although he had no idea that they didn’t care. They didn’t want to listen to the teenager or take a statement, they sent me home and said that he would behave like this again, you tell us, we will come. Guys annoyed me because they knew my situation, I had girlfriends, but they were from prosperous families, also and were not happy with their parents, they smoked, drank and ran away from home. But I have nowhere to run, I am my own boss, I came on time, didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, there was no boyfriend. I was worried about my mother, but we had nowhere to go. At first my mother loved and endured, then she was afraid and endured, there was no protection from her stepfather, her mother ran away from home and drank, then she was afraid to return. I stood up for my mother to the last, but I was a child, then I dropped out of school and went to work, then my mother and I moved from there, but she continued to drink. My stepfather died like a dog; he wasn’t even buried properly.

Mom now lives with a new man, he is normal, but she already hasalcoholism , although there is a desire to quit, but there is no willpower. She leaves home and drinks. I don’t yet have the opportunity to cure her, because from a beautiful young strong woman she turned into a drinking, insecure, unfortunate woman who could not give us a future. She has aged and I’m upset that I can’t change something now, because already has my ownproblems appeared.

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