Stepfather left mom homeless

Stepfather left mom homeless
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My mother is retired and has been with her husband for over 30 years. He is not our familyfather ,his mother came to live with him with her small children. My brother and I have already grown up and have our own families. We spent our entire childhood with our stepfather and considered him our father. He also hasson , our same age. They had never met since they divorced his mother.

Our mother is 60 years old, and our stepfather is 12 years older than her. It is clear that he is getting older and has difficulty walking. Mom takes care of him. They live well, always consulted, made decisions together. This was the case until recently. He did the last, very serious thing without us. He bequeathed his apartment, where everything was made by our mother’s hands, to his son.

Last week my mother came to me, sat lost, sad, and whenMy husband and child went outside, so I decided to talk. She asked if I would accept her, if anything happened. I laughed, were you planning on getting a divorce in your old age? It turned out that her husband showed her the latest documents that were delivered to him. It was a will or a deed of gift, she didn’t understand. The stepfather asked for forgiveness for leaving her without a home, but he gave the apartment to his own son.

Of course, she won’t be left without a roof over her head—both me andMy brother and I get along well with our mother and love her very much. Another thing is surprising - my mother believes that she was betrayed. She never thought that this would happen. To live more than 30 years together, to share everything, and to receive such a blow. I also consider this apartment my home. We lived there from early childhood. It never occurred to me that my stepfather remembered that son. Where is he now? What kind of person? Maybe he is well off and doesn’t need this two-room apartment for nothing. My stepfather always considered us his children.

My brother also received this news with great surprise. But if I’m resigned, then he convinces my mother to go tocourt , to defend your rights. Is it really possible to do something? And how can you tell your old stepfather that he is wrong? Maybe it's senile, some kind of test-antibiotic.comguilt in his soul, so he came up with a whim? I don’t know what to do - I feel sorry for my mother, and I feel resentment towards my stepfather.

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