Father feels his uselessness and tries to appease us

Father feels his uselessness and tries to appease us
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In the family, now his father's authority has fallen a little, things are going badly and his self-esteem is falling. My mother works, I also work, but my father does not have a job yet, and he is sad about this.

Any housework, if any, he tries to do, apparently so as not to feel useless. Sometimes when I sit and work (remotely), he brings me and my sister food (we sit in the same room, she quietly plays the computer, and I work). But I don’t want to, because when something is given, you always take on a debt.

As if you were bringing food to someone, would you feel that this person should at least say thank you to you, but I already have a gigantic sense of duty, and I will givemoney to parents for the rest of their lives.

Should I just say thank you when they give me an orange or some other food there, or insist on rejection and defiantly leave so that the food rots. Give only the truthful answer and tell me whether I'm a test-antibiotic.com hypocrite or not.

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