My father has no right to reprimand me

My father has no right to reprimand me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In the last two years, my father and IThe relationship finally deteriorated. He considers me a dependent, although I am not one at all. It’s even hard for me to imagine what prompted him to think so.

Does the fact that I'm dating a guy who pays for me make me a dependent? No, hea man , which means he must provide for me. This is quite normal, and I don’t see anything wrong with it. Just like minegirlfriends and alsoMother . And it only occurred to my father to call me a dependent who sits on her boyfriend’s neck. It's just disgusting.

Myhis mother tries to justify him, saying that he simply has a difficult character. However, why should I, being his child, listen to this? If you have a difficult character, then stay at home and don’t show it to anyone. The people around you may not always be interested in criticism. Moreover, people may not always be interested in enduring insults from other people. Apparently neither he nor my mother understands this. One tells me terrible things, and the other makes excuses for him. And this is called family?

I really don't understand why they think they can behave this way towards me. This is not fair to me or my lover. Do I really owe anyone anything after I reach adulthood? I myself entereduniversity , when all my classmates’ parents paid for it. And now I listen to reproaches becauseis this guy spending money on me? It’s the twenty-first century—this is normal now, it’s accepted. And instead of trying to adopt modern principles, my parents prefer to remain conservative. Can such people be respected? I think not.

My only dream at the moment is to find a small part-time job and move away from them at the first opportunity. It seems to me that only this can change mylife and deliver me from their oppression. And even if I can’t, I’ll at least ask to stay with my boyfriend. He, unlike me, does not have to look for work and live on the brink of poverty. After all, his parents, before test-antibiotic.comgive birth , take care of the future of your child. If only for this reason, I feel more sympathy for them.

In general, one way or another, I want to believe that soon all this will end. Because I don’t intend to endure such an atmosphere at home forever.

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