The father does not know about the existence of his child

The father does not know about the existence of his child
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been living with this stone for almost three years. I was studying at a university, I had a boyfriend since my first year, but he was terribly jealous, and we periodically broke up.

In the fall of third yeara classmate invited me to be a witness at her wedding, and I agreed. When my boyfriend found out, he threw a tantrum, started calling me all unimaginable names, saying that I was a whore, sleeping with everyone, etc. I couldn't stand his accusations and slapped him in the face. I was very offended by these words, he was my first man, in the entire two years of our relationship I never kissed anyone on the cheek, let alone sex. In the end we broke up. I cried for a long time that I spent two years on such a person.

We celebrated a classmate's wedding. A month later I came home again and went to the disco. There she started flirting with a neighbor. We did all the slow dancing and he went to walk me home. We stood outside my house, kissed, and he invited me to take a walk with him. I went and walked until 3 am, and he offered to sit in the car. I agreed. Everything was spinning and spinning. In the end we hadsex without protection. He took me home, and I said: let what happened between us remain in the past. And I think he was happy about it too.

I calmly left for school. After 3 weeks, my period still did not start, I began to suspect thatpregnant _ I bought a test and it confirmed everything. I started to panic wildly. I didn’t tell him, because... 2 weeks later he brought the girl to meet her parents. The worst thing was telling my parents that I was pregnant and the child would not have a father. But I am very grateful to them for the fact that they did not tell me to have an abortion or give birth specifically, but said that I was already an adult (I was 20) and it was up to me to decide for myself. If I decide to have an abortion, they will not judge, but if I decidegive birth - they will help in every possible way.

I left the child and am very happy now. I told everyone that the young man left when he found out that I was pregnant. Everyone naturally felt sorry for me, but in my heart I felt so bad. Because of this, I was put on hold a couple of times. Then my son was born, and I simply disappeared into him.

The neighbor doesn't even know what he hasson _ He is no longer dating that girl, and at the moment he has no one, but I am very afraid to tell him about our child. I do not know what to do.

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