My wife's relationship with her family has turned into a nightmare

My wife's relationship with her family has turned into a nightmare
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It so happened thatmy wife is my youngestchild in her family, she has an older onebrother , they are 8 years apart. Always have all her attention and all her resourcesthe family invested in her brother. Me and our whole familylife was compared with my wife's brother and his family, of course, not in our favor.

Sometimes it just got to the point of absurdity: when we bought our first car (a used Japanese car) and came to visit, our brother and mother-in-law told us that our car was a bucket, but my brother had a new BMW. About the same thing happened with our first apartment.

The only one who pulled his mother-in-law and brother back waswife's father , but at the same timeHis son also came first. Our children are also unloved grandchildren all their lives, but my brother’s children are the best, and even the successes of our children are an accident.

This always offended my wife very much. But there were also advantages in such a relationship - no one interfered in our lives, and, in principle, the relationship was smooth, we met only on holidays. After 15 years marriageThe relationship with my wife's family turned into a nightmare.

In 2019, his wife's father died. My wife's brother had all the powers of attorney over his savings -two days before his father-in-law’s death, he withdrew everything and took it for himself, his mother-in-law didn’t know about it. Then, when this became clear, he said that he would return everything and would simply support his mother-in-law for this period.

My wife’s brother invested in his business, went broke in 2020, was left without a job or business, and was also on trial. And suddenly we became the best and most beloved, they constantly ask us for money, both for loans, and they miss our grandchildren so much, and “we need to communicate as families.”

My wife and I decided that we would pay for my mother-in-law’s utility bill and give her a fixed amount per month, and we didn’t need to communicate with our families. But the mother-in-law is dissatisfied: it turns out that we still have to help her son and pay for the education of our nephews, supposedly temporarily, and then everything will be returned to us. It is clear that they will never return.

And then the wife even dared to ask her brotherthe question of whether her father's money can be considered as her inheritance and whether his conscience is tormenting him. And if there is no money, then you can sell your cottage (or apartment, or wife’s car) andreturn the money to your mother.

The result was a scandal with the mother-in-law: how dare she talk to her brother like that in such a situation! These are temporary difficulties, my brother is a genius and will definitely rise to the previous level.

Now mother-in-lawEvery day he blows his mind at his wife, she has already become twitchy. And every other day he goes to visit - this is already some kind of nightmare for me. Previously, people remembered us well, if only once every two months, and then not always.

Yesterday my wife and I didn’t let my mother-in-law in, we just didn’t open the door. Today my brother called my wife and said that they called an ambulance for my mother and she couldn’t behave like that, because she was left alone.

We just don’t know what to do anymore, we’re even considering moving to another city.

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