Relationships with my husband's children and ex-wives are destroying our family.

Relationships with my husband's children and ex-wives are destroying our family.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’ll tell you a little about myself: I’m 30 years old, I grew up in a healthy, full-fledged family. As a child, my parents instilled in me such concepts as honesty, openness,love , sincerity. Then school, college, work - everything is like everyone else. I have never had any problems on the personal front or in relationships with the opposite sex, I am quite attractivegirl (sorry for not being modest), men always paid enough attention. To be honest, early marriage was not part of the plans, so I devoted all my strength to work and simply lived for my own pleasure.

5 years ago I met a man. We fell in love and got married six months later. We have an age difference of 20 years. I’ll say right away that the difference didn’t bother me at all, I don’t notice it. I am very interested in talking to him, both in everyday life and in the intimate sphere. When we first met, mymy husband told me that he had two divorces and two children behind him (at that time they were 15 and 24 years old). The fact that he had children did not upset me, I had nothing against, especially since at that time he had been divorced for a long time, and the children were no longer small.

I sincerely wanted to establish contact with his children. At first, we started going to the movies and cafes together. When we started communicating with his daughter, I began to be alarmed by the fact that at every meetingthe daughter constantly mentioned her mother, i.e. his first wife, something like this: “Dad,mom baked yoursfavorite pie”, “dad, mom asked you to help with...”. I got the impression that myMy husband had a very good relationship with his daughter’s mother before he met me.

At her daughter's birthday party, her daughter's mother openly asked myhusband “Why don’t you come to us, you haven’t been to us for so long, come!” I tried to talk to my husband and explained my position: “Darling, I’m not against communicating with your children, but I’m against your ex-women, I don’t want any relationship with them, it’s unpleasant for me.” He verbally agreed, but continuedcommunication with his daughter, he still allegedly maintained an interest in her relatives, including his ex-wife. It stopped only after I could no longer restrain myself and we were arguing, then it died down. There are a lot of such cases, I can’t tell you everything in detail, I will describe in detail only one episode.

My daughter had a wedding. By that time, my husband and I were already expecting a baby; I was 9 months old. Before we were invited to the wedding, I said that I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to withstand a full-fledged party in my situation, so I could only go to the banquet itself, and I wouldn’t go to the registry office. Maybe we can go straight to the banquet? My husband agreed with me, and we came to the restaurant for the evening itself. When I came to the wedding, his daughter didn’t even talk to me, and neither did all the relatives on her side. One relative actually came up to me and began to scold me, with a huge belly, that I was so shameless, I didn’t let my husband go to the registry office for my daughter’s wedding, although I said that I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to stand such a long event. After that myhis daughter's relationship with deteriorated greatly. I decided that this communication was difficult for me, and I suggested that my husband communicate with his daughter on his own, without me. But later, loving him very much, I began to communicate with her again, forgiving some of her actions, attributing them to her stupidity andjealousy .

Hisson from his second marriage. After giving birth to our child, there was not enough time for any of their joint entertainment, but nevertheless, we sometimes took his son with us somewhere. Once, when his son had his graduation, his mother did not go to him, but preferred to go on vacation, and my husband asked him in advance if he would mind me going with him? My son , who always saw only financial support in my husband, said that he didn’t mind. But on the appointed day he said that his mother was against it, and that he should come without me. My husband did not agree, since we had already agreed with him, and even left our child for my mother to babysit. As a result, the son left the graduation, offended by his dad, and did not pick up the phone for a whole week when his husband called him. My relationship with him also began to deteriorate; he never congratulated me on a single holiday in five years.

As for my husband. I can’t understand why he needs communication not only with children from previous marriages, but also with their mothers? Why does he almost completely provide for his children, even though they have long since reached adulthood, does he continue to psychologically depend on the assessment of his actions by their mothers? Why does this happen, because he is successful, smart and maturea man capable of defending his point of view to anyone, but not to his ex-wives.

There are othersproblems . After living with my husband for two years, I learned about the existence of another daughter, whom he hid from me. She was born when my husband was officially in his second marriage at that time. When I found out about this, he replied that he was afraid and did not want to hurt me. But after that I stopped trusting him, he only made things worse.

And now, having learned that a girl with whom he had a serious relationship before me has been working with him for 8 years, she asked to transfer her to another department or fire her (he is her boss). As a result, we have a new scandal.

Tell me, how should I behave if this girl sends photos and letters of frivolous content to my husband, who has been married to me for a long time? It seems to me that it’s not her fault, but my man’s, because they send him this, which means he allows it, gives a reason. My husband’s past, unfortunately, is breaking up our family and I don’t know what to do about it.

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