Relationship with a man who is 15 years older

Relationship with a man who is 15 years older
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I haverelationship with a man who is 15 years older than me. My parents are categorically against their continuation, because... he haswife andchild . As he says, he wanted to get a divorce even before we met. He says that he has strong feelings for me, and I for him too, but what confuses me is that I have never received any gifts from him, on the contrary, I lent him money!

He works the same as me, even earns more. Yes, I understand that a person may be going through such a period in his life, financial difficulties, but I’m starting to think, maybe this is the kind of person?

I had to talk to his wife a little on the phone, and to my surprise, she spoke to me in a normal tone, without hysterics or accusations. She started telling all sorts of nasty things about him: that he drinks, beats her, doesn’t give money for the child, and all that... He, of course, denies all this. Since I have only known him for three months and don’t know whether to believe all this or not, I would like to ask how to find out what kind of person he really is? And what should we do next? Link yourlife with this person, against the will of the parents, build a relationship and develop it further, or will nothing come of it?

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