Relationship with a married man has reached a dead end

Relationship with a married man has reached a dead end
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m 24 years old, I recently divorced my husband, who didn’t appreciate me at all, but that’s not the problem. I started dating a man who I liked back when I wasMarried . We met through friends, he had a small request for me, and I agreed to fulfill it. We met only a couple of times then, and then quickly and to the point. And I realized that he had me hooked. And he, as I later analyzed the situation, was interested in me. But since at that time I was still married, I just sighed and forgot him, althoughThe relationship with my husband at that time was terrible. But almost a year later, fate brought us together again. And I already turned to him with a request.

I came to the first meeting with a ring on my finger. He was interested in my affairs, asked abouthusband , about our plans. As usual, I presented the situation from the best side, because... I didn’t want to wash my dirty laundry in public, much less tell everything to a stranger. At the next meeting 2 weeks later, I already came without a ring - the relationship with my husband was completely ruined, and we had already applied fordivorce . He, apparently, noticed this, because he did not ask questions about my husband, and in general did not touch upon the topic of family, but we still had a good conversation then. After another 3 weeks, circumstances turned out so that we met again.

I have already divorced my husband and cleared social networks of photos together. At that meeting, he began to persistently ask about my plans with my husband, and I decided that there was no need to hide anymore and told him that I had divorced my husband. He quickly changed the subject. And I guessed that he asked all this for a reason. I decided to take a chance and said that I don’t have company to go to the cityholiday (in fact, she invited him herself). He immediately proposed his candidacy.

Later he wrote to me himself and invited me for a walk (this was before the holiday). That's how we started dating. The relationship was the most innocent and reverent, I felt that they loved me and cared about me. He even helped me solve a problem with my husband who persistently wanted mereturn . I didn't tell him about the fact thatMy husband constantly terrorizes me, it turned out by chance that they met at all, but he quickly put my husband in his place. We dated for 2 weeks and those were the best days of my life. We were walkingevery day until nightfall. I was absolutely satisfied with everything about him, I was already starting to think thatlife gets better after a failed marriage.

And then I found out through friends that he was married. 10 years already. Eatchild 9 years old. For me it was a strong blow, like a knife in the heart. When I asked him if I was a toy for him, he said that he was serious about me. In order not to become a victim of a married man who can feed him with empty promises for several years, and so as not to become attached to him myself, I decided to give him a limited period of time so that he could make a decision, understand himself and decide who he wants to be with. I said it myself that I would wait a little. He agreed, as if had been waiting for such an offer. I asked how much time he needed. He said 2.5 months. At the same time, I thought for a long time, as if I were weighing everything. I agreed. And thus she put herself in a dead end.

On the one hand, I don’t want to put pressure on him and ruin his family, on the other hand, I want to be with him and I want him to divorce. As soon as I found out that he was married, I immediately set up boundaries of communication - I didn’t allow him to touch me, we communicated simply as friends. He doesn’t talk much about his family, he doesn’t want to burden me with his problems (it seems to me). As far as I understand, he got married on the fly and his relationship with his wife is not very good. He takes almost no part in raising the child and the child does not really like him. He says that he does not leave the family because the child is holding him. He hardly ever appears at home, only coming to spend the night. Working with an irregular schedule, i.e., perhapshis wife doesn’t even know about his adventures. He said that he also had relationships on the side, but he was not as anxious, as with me.

Actually, 1.5 months have passed since then. For the first 3 weeks he wrote to me every day, sometimes he came for tea. I myself tried to restrain myself and not write to him, so as not to influence his decision, but still sometimes I broke down. And then somehow everything ended abruptly. He himself stopped writing altogether, and if I write to him myself, he willingly communicates with me, even makes some joint plans forfuture . When I need himhelp , he never refuses and communicates with me, although I can give him what he needs and immediately leave. So I'm confused in this situation. I understand that there is too much unsaid between us, but I don’t know if I can demand anything from him. I want him to decide for himself how to live, and not regret it later.

What upsets me most is this limbo. I already asked him what he decided, but it seems that I asked too early, because... he said he didn't know yet. At the same time, I again thought for a long time about how to answer. In general, he is decisive and does not waste words, but when I try to find out something about my situation, he does not know what to tell me. I don't know how to understand this. Thoughts immediately arise in my head that he and his wife are still trying to decidequestion , but cannot yet say in which direction the process is going. And I want to be with him, his caringhis attitude towards me attracts me, but at the same time he does not reassure me in any way. In my mind, I understand that 99% of him will not get divorced, but this 1% of hope haunts me. I would go through this situation much more calmly if he refused me, but he won’t. And I also don’t understand why he asked for exactly 2.5 months. I want to believe that he somehow resolves the issue with his wife and child.

He thought for a long time when I asked how much time he needed. Several times I tried to share my experiences, I saw that he was also suffering, but still does not tell everything to the end, he says that he will figure it out himself. And in general, he always kept his promises. I clearly decided for myself that I would raise the issue head-on at the end of the term, and if he couldn’t solve it himself, then I would decide. But I don’t know how to survive another month. I’ve already frayed all my nerves in guessing about his behavior, but I don’t dare ask him. And I’m ready in advance for the relationship to end. But since I promised to wait 2.5 months, I don’t dare bring up the conversation about our relationship anymore. I don’t know whether I should write to him, since he himself doesn’t write first, but I really want at least his communication. I have become dependent on him, but I don’t show it to him, and it costs me a lot of effort.

How to survive this month. I can’t break my promise, but I can’t cope with my depressing state either, because I can’t be distracted by anything. I’m already tired of this uncertainty, but I also can’t stop building castles in the air. This hope that he will still choose me sits firmly in my soul.

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