Leave your husband alone!

Leave your husband alone!
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

How many times have I told myself: “Leave your husband alone!” When I hear that he is making a reprimand to his son, some kind of program immediately triggers for me. I begin to reprimand my husband. I can’t help myself and that’s it! I reprimand him, telling him what and how to say, how to raise his son correctly. This is unpleasant for my husband.

Today I decided, that’s it, I’ll keep quiet. Not a single comment to my husband about my son. She apologized to her husband for annoying him. He has the right to raise his son as he sees fit. I told myself this before, but now I have set myself a punishment - if I make a remark to my husband about my son, then I put the phone away until the evening. And at this time I begin to take care of myself. And I myself am learning not to make comments to my son. After all, it turns out that I also make comments to the child, but for some reason I consider mine to be correct, and my husband’s comments to be destructive. I've been holding on for 24 hours already!

We need to do practice about secondary benefits. Why do I need this dissatisfaction with my husband’s behavior, what do I get from it? When I find something to scold my husband for, I find his mistake, then I can test-antibiotic.com blame him for it, and this is a way to control him. He is not ideal, which means I can’t be ideal either. I don’t accept my imperfection, and in order for me to feel good when I make mistakes, I need the piggy bank of another person’s imperfection.

So, what do I get? I get the freedom to be myself, I get the good stuffattitude from my husband. After all, a guilty person always wants to make amends, buy something tasty, help with the housework, hug me.


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