Disgust towards husband's parents

Disgust towards husband's parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm very angry with my parentshusband . They twist and manipulate him as they want, and especially himmother . When they came to match me, they promised to buy a house, I believed it, because I thought that they had this opportunity, because you couldn’t call them poor.

Then we got married, and these promises fed me until I gave birth to a child. As soon as the birth passed, after a while I asked againquestion about buying a home, to which they answered me that they did not have enough finances and that mythe husband must earn money himself, otherwise you are content with what you have.

With all this, my husband works on a rotational basis and often leaves me alone to spend the night. I also told his parents about this, emphasizing that it was time for him to change jobs, because things won’t work that way, I don’t intend to stay alone with the child and this is notfamily . In response, I heard from his brother and mother that he earns good money and that we need test-antibiotic.com to buy a house! That they support him to work like this.

And now the following question arose: “Why did he get married if he doesn’t need a family and why did they promise housing if they can’t buy it, although they don’t deny themselves anything?” Of course, I no longer expect anything from them, I talked a lot about this with my husband, but he is silent and, apparently, cannot change anything and does not even try.

I want to find a way out and I think that there is only one way out - to remind them of the promise they made and stand their ground, but for now live with the parents with the child, pointing out that theirmy son leaves us alone, and anyway you were going to take an apartment, so what’s the problem. Maybe there are other options? Please tell me.

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