The guy doesn't offer a serious relationship

The guy doesn't offer a serious relationship
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to understand my feelings for a man and understand what feelings he experiences. Now we rarely communicate, and only as acquaintances. There is one peculiarity of a man - he does not know how to communicate with women, so the beginning of our communication was on my initiative. How it happened: he came to work part-time at our work on the advice of his friend, who was my colleague and also a friend. He was silent and didn't talk to girls. I liked it, found out fromColleagues , what a person.

It turns out that it works temporarily, by itselfmartial arts trainer . A friend, apparently, told that man about me and my liking, he said that he liked him and that he didn’t mind if I approached him. I don't like chasing guys, so I annoyed myself and cut that option off. There was another interesting point here. There is one morea guy with whom we are friends, but I like him as a guy, he hasgirl , so I didn’t count on reciprocity.

One day, right after work, I went tobirthday , then I come home and see: someone hacked my page on social media. networks, and wrote to these two guys (!)declaration of love. Only for them! I was shocked. Not only did someone do this through me, but they also wrote in the status that they say, what a fool I am, what have I done. Which looks quite realistic for a girl! One guy, who is a friend, was happy about the confession, said that he had broken up with his girlfriend for several months and proposedrelationship . Another, the one who is the coach, wrote: “But you don’t even know me.” A relationship with that guy quickly began, I was head over heels in love, I plunged headlong into this relationship. Alas, there was no need to start so violently - everything ended just as violently. I was broken.

I had to collect myself, bring myself to my senses. I remembered about the coach. I signed up for training with him. At that time he had a girlfriend, she also trains. Begancommunication , the guy relaxed and switched attention from hisgirls are at me. I was, of course, flattered. Because of this, she and the girl often argued, right during training, the girl was hysterical, andthe man did not try to calm her down, but was only rude to her in response. A month later he invited me to his house after training. Since it didn’t come to the point of sex with the previous guy, and before that there was a period of abstinence, I agreed. The man is handsome and muscular. On myquestion , what about the girl, he answered - she’s not my girl. This surprised me very much; he has it on social media. The networks are full of photos of them together, where they hug and kiss, photos with loving captions. I don't know if it matters, the girl hasa child , a girl, a man is attached to a girl.

The girl then helped him with training the children, sometimes replacing him. One day he got her so angry that she blurted out: “I won’t be here anymore,” and left in tears. I was shocked. I had no serious intentions with the man; I didn’t really like the way he behaved with girls. You could have invited me on a date and forgotten! He began to suggest that I “practice like a coach,” which in my understanding meant: “Now that my girlfriend has left, now start training like she did.” Refused. The trips to his house did not stop, I enjoyed sex, enjoyed training, and attended competitions. I like the smell of his body, I like to take the initiative in sex, I like to please him. I'm actually surprising myself.

Time passed and I became attached to this man. I don’t consider him worthy, he liked to drink, he suffered because his girlfriend left, and I consoled him. Damn comforter. I was tired of calming him down and I didn’t like his irresponsible behavior.

I understood with my mind that there was nothing to catch here, I had to run. I met a guy from the same sports club, from a different section. The guy started actively courting me, right under this man’s nose. A man will only open his mouth to call me to his home, out of habit, as this guy is right there. One day this guy invited me to go for a walk, within a few days, I agreed. And this man asked me to go for a walk that same day, only later, I refused him, saying that I would be busy that day. We are walking with that guy, and this man comes towards us. I almost fell through He looked so unhappy then. Then there was talk among his friends at the club that this coach had feelings for me. I was in love with this man, but he himself offered me a frivolous relationship, so these conversations of friends, his suffering eyes and sad sighs aroused hope, but the roof was in my place and I didn’t show it.

I tried dating that guy from the section - everything was fine, but the sex just didn’t work. No way. There are three of us in bed: me, this guy, and that man in my head. The fact is that this man is the first with whom I experienced such a drive, an orgasm. I thought about solving the problem artificially and told him how much I (now) like sex. He says - I won’t do this, what am I, a woman to you? Then this man, albeit in a breathless voice, began to invite me for a walk, but such dates did not end very well: one of my friends would always pass by and join us, and the man would switch to him. Often in such conversations other women were discussed, which was very unpleasant for me, not to mention the lack of attention to me. I was angry with him and behaved like a pig. Onprovoked jealousy , I began to behave emotionally, and then I saw him sitting with a satisfied face. She again began to accept the advances of other men. This man began to behave very awkwardly with me and became irritable in my presence.

He behaved with me as if I were some kind of monster. Time passes and I realize that I can'tforget him and that's it. I think maybe I messed up myself, because of my boyfriends. She took the initiative, invited him herself - she didn’t refuse, but after the date she ran to her home. He just ran away. I’ll call you to the cinema, he’ll come and sit next to you, as if he’s stuck to the chair, we’ll say a few words, then he’ll take you to the stop and quickly home, almost running. Then I find out that I ran away from my friend’s birthday party to go to the cinema with me. He behaves strangely. I haven’t been going to martial arts training for several months now, due to an injury after a competition; in a couple of months I only called once to find out when I’ll get to training. As soon as I answered, I hung up. When everything healed, I decided to go dancing, and, look, I’ll forget this man. She seemed to have calmed down and began to visit his social media page less often. networks, minding my own business.

A guy from the section invited me to go for a walk again. We walk - the situation repeats itself again, exactly like last time. We meet with this coach again. Again I see his eyes darting around. The rest of the evening I was not myself. I can't understand anything! I drive him out of my thoughts, but it doesn’t work. What to do? I don't want the same kind of relationship as before. I want a normal relationship, I want love and tenderness from the one for whom I have feelings.

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