The guy took revenge on me for cheating

The guy took revenge on me for cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I was 17 years old, I met two guys - Seryozha and Tima. Initially, I didn’t care whether they were there or not, we walked together in the evenings, I was alone among the guys.

I began to like Seryozha, but we had nothing except kisses, then I realized what he wanted from me, naturally I did not agree to it. Timofey began to behave somehow inappropriately, then he would leave, suddenly freaking out, when Sergei and I were chatting nicely, and I was not paying any attention to Timofey. I considered him just a friend, but as it turned out, he was not.

After some time, I moved to another area of ​​the city, Tim asked me to date and I agreed. After studying, he came to me, and we walked around the city, never even kissed, after which I left the city completely and said that ourthe relationship must end. He loved me very much. Then I dated a guy and got pregnant, but he left me.

Meanwhile, Timofey was already working on some kind of ship, three years later we called Some time passed, we started dating again, despite the child, he still loved me just the same, maybe even more, because now we hadsex all night long, and for a man this is very important. But I couldn’t love him, and I left him (I left for someone else). How I now regret that I did it.

Time passed, we called again, he came to me, but my relationship with him changed. At that time I already had two children, I loved him, I was afraid of losing him, but when he again had to leave for six months on a ship, he asked me not to cheat on him, he said that he no longer trusted me. I promised him that nothing like that would happen, because I needed him more than anyone. Then I began to notice something was wrong, he didn’t pick up the phone, he spoke reluctantly, then I found out that he cheated on me while being my boyfriend, that’s how he took revenge on me!

My heart was broken into pieces, just like his was once. She waspregnant , but then there was a miscarriage, as he later told me, and then I found out that there was a woman with him who worked as a cook on the ship. I was very surprised when I found out that he lives with her! He is 28 years old, and she is already 45! Yes, she is good enough to be his mother!

I love him very much, miss him and pray to God to give me the opportunity to see him. In any case, we will not be together because I have children, and he does not need such responsibility, I know that he also has something for me, but this woman does not allow him to make a choice. Appreciate those around you.

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