Jealous guy

Jealous guy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I always wanted to have one like thisa guy who would keep me close to him, who would know everything about me, who would take care of me all the time. In general, I wanted my guy and I to have a complete unity of souls. Like twins. Or let there be a guy who will keep my "inadequate artistic" nature in check. At the same time, he should be strict, and gentle, and a little jealous.

And I found one. One that suited all the parameters of the “perfect guy” for me. Let’s call him Anton. At first, everything was great. I was amused by hisjealousy , his impulses to punch anyone who looked at me the wrong way. I liked his sense of ownership, like, "only MINE!" He would get offended if I went somewhere without him, and that made me happy. Finally, I feel that I am needed by a person. Plus, he really "evened out" my wild character. And how gentle and caring he is: he brought breakfast in bed, all the time asking "Are you cold?", "How are you feeling?", "Are you hungry? Maybe I can cook you something?" Or, for example, I left something in another room, then he does not even let me get up from the couch. He goes and brings it himself. My friends watched and envied.

And then the nightmares began. He became more jealous, more picky. Every day he turns into a monster (or just paranoid):

He categorically forbade me even to talk to other men. I couldn’t even see my cousin – Anton would immediately start calling every five minutes, and after that he would claim that I was cheating on him with my cousin (“in the Middle Ages, this was more than normal!”). Discos, bars, coffee shops and other similar places are strictly taboo. With friends or alone, of course, why not: you’ll pick up some boyfriend or they’ll beat your face in. And you can’t go with him either, because he doesn’t like such places… Not even that – he’d happily go with his friends. To my indignation “What the hell?” he replies: “You’re mine"Girl and I don't allow you to do that!" or "What discos? You need to grow up already!" Oh, how picky she is about clothes. The skirt must not be above the knees, the blouse must be without a neckline. She picks on any tight dresses. She says that those are the ones who wear themgirls who want to pick up someone. Why do I need this if I have him? My words - "I dress nicely for you" do not reach him. He does not forbid me to see my friends, but often gives me lectures on the topic of what mymy girlfriends are sluts, fools and that they are using me, and I am so naive, I believe them for some reason. When I tried to introduce him to them, he managed to be rude to each of them. And he did it in such a way that it did not look like an insult. But it touched a nerve, as the girls told me.

In general, my circle of communication narrowed to three people: he, hisMom and my mom. Sometimes we hang out with his friends, and only with those who have girlfriends. And then he looks at me askance, as if to say, don't get too friendly with any of them.

Recently, his friend dragged us out for a walk. At the friend's request, we went to a club. We were all a bit tipsy, and the friend dragged us to dance. Anton yelled at him, saying, I don't dance, leave me alone. Then the friend asked permission to drag me to dance. Anton muttered that he could. But after the dance, there was such hysteria... According to him, my friend and I were hugging, kissing, almost fucking. He kept yelling, saying, he'll kill his friend, but he'll break up with me. I freaked out and went home. He caught up with me, grabbed me by the sweater and dragged me home. ("I'm such a fool, I thought of going alone at night")

His friends told me in secret that he has this "jealous" glitch because the girl he once loved madly cheated on him left and right. After sleeping with his best friend, she spat it in his face.

But despite his hellish jealousy, he remained caring. He still brings me breakfast in bed, takes care of myhealth , at night he straightens the blanket, even combs my hair in the morning! It feels like I'm something very fragile and that's why he's spinning around me.

And I just don't know what to do with it. And the painting is coming soon...

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