The guy humiliated me by refusing me when I confessed my love to him

The guy humiliated me by refusing me when I confessed my love to him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got the job through an acquaintance. I worked quietly for several years, and then the same friends hired a guy to work for us. He turned out to be a mysterious man. On the one hand - a sweet, polite boy, half orphan. Very attentive to women. He tried to get involved with me right awayrelationship . I just didn’t understand what kind, purely friendly or if I was counting on something more in the future. It seemed to me at some stage that there was still some flirting between us.

On the other hand, he really wanted to make a career and achieve a promotion. To this end, he sucked up to the authorities and those who were friends of the authorities. I tried to show off my knowledge and hard work in front of my superiors. Although he hadgirl (I knew about this from mutual friends, but no one at work knew), he flirted not only with me, but with all the young girls. For some reason I didn't like it all. It seemed that he was an unreliable, unfaithful, cunning, calculating person.

Like I said, he tried to start a relationship with me. Due to the fact that he seemed to me not a very good person, but I liked him, I did not want to communicate closely with him until I completely fell in love. She began to keep her distance, sometimes acting deliberately rude in order to scare him away. And I succeeded.

At some stage he fell behind me and became embittered. Perhaps it looked as if he was my admirer, and I turned him away. And then I realized that I still liked him very much. No, not even that. That I love him and will love him alllife .

I know I'm a dreamer and an idealist, but that's just the way I am. I tried to resume againcommunication with this guy, but he no longer wanted to communicate with me. And one day he told me that he was getting married soon. I was so desperate that I confessed my love to him.

He refused me. He replied that he was in shock. That I didn't expect this. That he and I never had anything and could not have had anything. That time heals. That he will always help me if hehelp will be needed. In fact, at that time no longer worked for us, and we never crossed paths.

The words about help somehow struck me unpleasantly; it sounded like an attempt to pay me off or just an excuse. Because I’m already lost without him, but there won’t be any help from him here. And he will never help me in any way, even if I get into trouble, he will not know about it.

At first I took the refusal painfully. I worried for a long time, blaming myself for everything, that it was my fault. That I too rudely pushed him away from me when he himself was looking for my company. That she misinterpreted his intentions, that he only neededfriendship , but I imagined some kind of interest on his part. Of course, we cannot say that we had anything. There were no serious relationships. They didn’t date, didn’t kiss, didn’t live together. Nothing.

And he, of course, was not as cunning and calculating as I first thought, I thought. Simple ordinaryguy , ambitious, purposeful. Yes, I wanted to make a career. But who doesn’t want to? Not a drunkard or some kind of slacker. Yes, he flirted with girls at work, although he was in a relationship with someone else. But maybe he had someProblems in your relationship with that girl? After all, he broke up with her and is marrying someone completely different. And he so willingly shared his problems with me in conversations, probably the other one he marries is kinder and more sensitive than me. She took pity on him and supported him. And I am a callous soul, I just thought that it was somehow unbecoming for a man to whine about his problems. If I had supported him, he might have married me.

And so several years passed. They say he married for convenience. He has children, newapartment , vacation trips with my wife, everything is great.

At first, I wrote to him on holidays, wishing him a happy birthday and a happy new year. But he didn’t write to me first. Although, when we worked together, he wrote constantly. Then I stopped writing. But I didn’t forget him. And I kept thinking that when we meet, how should I behave with him? Cold, or run away, or try to please him? Or pretend that I’ve been happy without him for a long time?

And recently I thought about all this and realized that I would never have fallen in love with him if he had not fooled me with his attempts to get closer. I would simply treat him as a colleague and acquaintance. Even if I suddenly liked him, it would quickly pass without any encouragement from him. And so, in fact, he gave me some hope for a relationship. When I didn’t want to communicate with him, he could take it as a refusal on my part. And when I later began to run after him myself, he could immediately see through me and decide to torture me in return.

In principle, the story about the imminent marriage was probably not without reason. He could count not only on boasting, but also on blowing me away. And when he succeeded, and I ran to him to confess my love, he gladly refused me. And in rather indelicate expressions If someone I didn’t love confessed his love to me, I would certainly tell him a bunch of compliments about how wonderful he is, and that he would certainly find someone a hundred times better than me. I would be afraid to offend a person with a sharp refusal.

And he, it turns out, decided to immediately cross out all communication that was between us, and it was on his initiative. He said that there was nothing between us. It turns out that I personally came up with everything for myself out of nowhere and ran after him. What about his attempts to make friends or something more?

And this phrase that time heals now seems to me full of schadenfreude. So, they say, you refused me when I first pestered you, so now suffer and bite your elbows.

And he knew that everything would be fine with him now. That he would profitably marry a girl in love with him. But it was necessary to take revenge for the past, so ungenerously. It was necessary to humiliate me, although I had already humiliated myself by doingdeclaration of love.

I wrote a lot, sorry. But I was already lost in these thoughts. Who do you think is to blame for the fact that I fell in love with him, him or me? And could he have had the intention of taking revenge on me when he refused me?

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