The guy suddenly lost interest in me

The guy suddenly lost interest in me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started 8 years ago. We were students and became good friends. I knew that he liked me, but I could only treat him as a friend, since I didn’t perceive him in any way. Soon he began dating my classmate, and she, being angry with me, forbade him to communicate with me.

For the next 8 years, conversations were limited only to the phrases: “How are you?” and "What's new?" Three months ago, he and I started chatting casually. At this time he had already moved to another city 800 km from mine. We communicated so well, and I decided to come to him in his city. As a result, for a month, we came every weekend - either I came to him, or he came to me.

Soon he offered to move in with him permanently, said that he would help me get a job, that I could live with him. I thought - why not? In my city the work was good, but without prospects. And my age already allowed me to leave and try to live on my own. I agreed.

Even before leaving, he proposed (after 3 weeks of communication), he said that it makes no difference when he proposes, tomorrow, in a month, or a year. That he always loved me, even 8 years ago, and in all other girls he looked for someone like me. I gave a positive answer, quit my job, and 3 weeks later I moved in with him.

She told her parents about it, but he didn’t tell his own. And he introduced me to them as just a girl. When I moved, we stayed together for another 2 weeks (while he was on vacation), then we started going to work. A month later I got a job myself.

Our relationship was not built at all. Perhaps they ended up in everyday life, but something was wrong. I would come home from work and quickly cook something so that the evening would be freed up and we could spend it together. But he stuck to his laptop, and the evening ended up passing in different rooms. He scolded me if I didn’t put the mug away right away, or noticed drops of oil after I cooked. If I pressed myself against him, I asked to move away, because he was hot, or ticklish, or something unpleasant. Naturally, I was upset, offended, and I didn’t want anything. Intimate life has come to almost nothing. And I didn’t want him to even touch me. There was stress at work, I started missing my friends, my family, and I started to get even more upset.

We spent the New Year separately: he went home, and I went to my family. Then he said that he did this on purpose to see if he would miss me. It turned out that he was bored. And I decided that I needed to change, try to saverelationship _ She began to show more attention, but he perceived it rather strangely. He said that unexpectedly, he avoided me. He said that he realized that we have different interests. That he's a homebody and I like to get out of the house. Although, every time he reminds me of how he and his ex went to a cafe, walked, etc. Who will like it?

I began to often say: “If you don’t like it, no one will.” Every time, after my hysteria and tears, I try to start everything in a new way, change my behavior pattern. He wants me to put on makeup - please, to dress the way he wants - please, as soon as he comes home - to meet him in seductive outfits - please. But he said it was strange. That he’s burned out and doesn’t want anything anymore. I asked him: “Why are you still with me then?” He replied: “Notice that I’m not kicking you out, because sometimes I have fun with you.”

And here you stand and don’t know what to do. try itreturn , somehow revive everything? Ask him what he wants? Leave and return to your city?

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