My husband didn't like the changes in appearance

My husband didn't like the changes in appearance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Imarried for 10 years. My husband always said that he admired my appearance. He loved to appear with me in society, to show off his wife to his friends.

After these 10 years, I have changed a lot internally. Many “ideals” have ceased to be ideals for me. I retained my slim figure and flawless skin, but otherwise, my tastes have changed. Nowadays naturalness and naturalness, comfort and minimalism are in fashion, so I began to grow out my red-blond hair color, which I began to like again. And before that I dyed my hair brunette. I changed my heels to more comfortable shoes, but sometimes I wear small stiletto heels. Minis and low-waisted jeans gave way to midi skirts and high-waisted trousers. In a word, changes have occurred that I am happy about and which are consistent with my inner feeling.

But it was not there. The husband, apparently, remained in the 2000s, not only in his soul, but also in his thoughts. It requires Louboutins, minis, cleavage, long and dark hair. She demands that I dye my hair and become a brunette again and continue to live as before. Every day there are scandalsthe relationship fizzled out. The children are already tired of listening to this, and they say: “Dad, leave mom alone!” At least change your husband. Honestly, I just don’t have the strength anymore. What should I do? Reconsider yourattitude towards your appearance, not showing your opinion, or defending your positions?

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