The first relationship began with betrayal

The first relationship began with betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would like to share a story from my life. I can’t cope any other way, either mentally or physically.

I'm 18 years old and just this year I got my firstrelationship with a young man, first kiss. We have been in a relationship for 6 months. During this period they broke up several times, and I was the initiator, but then I renewed them exactly two times. The reason for the separation was his excessivejealousy , I didn’t give any reason, I don’t communicate with any of the young people.

Initially, I did not understand what I felt for this person. This had never happened before, but then the feeling of love manifested itself. I myself am not on the list of party-loving girls. I’m not quiet, no, I’ve just never been attracted to large groups with girls who smoke, drink, and sleep with all sorts of girls. Many men showed attention to me, but I allowed him to meet me.

But so, the situation happened the day before yesterday. My boyfriend went to visit his sister in the city (next to ours, 45 km away), and had a drink with her husband. Before that, I made him promise not to drink without reason, because it all ends in tears: sometimes fights, sometimes scandals. He always told me: “I don’t like to make promises, because I never break them. But since you ask, I promise.”

I’m at my mother’s work, I take out my phone and see a missed call from my beloved young man. I'm calling back. Picks up the phonethe girl calls me by name. I thought it was hissister . I couldn’t remember her voice exactly, because I saw her a couple of times. The girl began with: “He doesn’t love you! He loves me!". I started asking why she got it. Here I still think that I’m talking to his sister, but after her words: “So what, he’s sitting with me now, hugging me, saying that he loves me, not you.” My answer was: “No! I do not trust you! I want to hear what he has to say to me. Once heman , let him have the courage to tell me this personally.” She: “He doesn’t want to talk to you, and don’t call here anymore.” I hang up the phone, start crying and I feel how everything inside me is empty. It hurt so much. After I stopped crying, I thought and said to myself: “No, it can’t be! I don't believe her."

Then I wrote to one of his relatives, but not to complain, but simply to ask for whom he betrayed me. She calmed me down and said that she would dial his number now. Then she called me back and said: “Don’t worry so much, everything is fine. Listen to him." He told me over the phone that while he was visiting his sister at home, he went out to the store and left his phone on charge, and a drunken girlfriend came to visit his sister, who had a fight with her husband and answered the call. I started asking how this friend knew my name, he said that my sister knew it too. The next day he arrived. The version was the same.

The next day we met in the evening, as usual. I saw that was not in the mood and started asking why. He said that he would tell everything now and asked to listen to the end. Just these words made me shiver. He said that this girl was one of his exes, whom he had known for about 1.5 years, but had been dating for literally a month. That day, while visiting his sister, he was very drunk, and she invited him to visit her. He went.

We decided to write to this girl on his behalf and ask why she decided to get involved in this particular relationship, because there had already been others before. She admitted that she just wanted justice and to hurt him as much as it hurt her. They met when she was pregnant from another man, but she fell in love with him and still loves him. She said that after several of his relationships he returned to her, but not to be with her, but simply to satisfy his sexual need. He invited him a couple of times to various establishments, and she really thought that he loved her and wanted to be with her. When we had a fight, he also went to see her, but he swears there was no sex. But for some reason I don't believe it.

Then I started communicating with her on my own behalf, but not to make trouble, but I just felt sorry for this girl. She said that she didn’t understand why men were doing this to her, and why did she do this? She doesn’t understand why she is being presented as a girl for one day. My answer was that she positions herself this way and that’s why people use her. The girl herself is very rude, swears and screams. During the correspondence, she told me: “What makes you better? He cheated on you with me, and you think you’ll marry him and everything will be fine? You’re wrong, this won’t happen!”

She said that her words were not empty and there was evidence that she could send. The photo was of him hugging her, and the video was of her reaching out to kiss him, and he answering her. It is clear that he is very drunk there. He tells me that he doesn’t remember this at all and didn’t expect it from himself. He says that he loves me and is very afraid of losing me, but he had nothing with this girl and he doesn’t need her, because during the relationship with him she was seen in relationships with other men. He promises that if I forgive him, this will never happen again.

Help me, please, with advice! I don't understand what should I do? What is the right thing to do? I'm so afraid of making mistakes. I have always been afraid of facing betrayal in my life. It’s very disappointing that my first relationship presented me with this. The soul is crying.

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