Letter for a loved one

Letter for a loved one
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

“Vadimushka Ivanovich” is so sweet. Really, really? This is the only thing I could write to you. I can’t help but think about you, everything is so complicated. You are silent, as usual, lately. And I, well, I don’t know how to break the ice between us. How I miss you and how I wish you were different. To be open with me. But you can't. You don’t believe me, and apparently you’re afraid that I’ll spoil youlife . But I will never do anything bad to you so that you don’t think about me.

How I would like to tell you: “Vadim, my Vadim and only mine.” It's not right what I'm doing. And I understand that. Sicklove that will lead to nothing. And which you don't need. But it is there, it is now. I don't know what will happen in time. Time heals, as they say. I hope it cures me of you too.

I miss you very much. I invented you for myself. I needed you and now I need test-antibiotic.com. But I understand that I am making your life difficult. You have become indispensable to me, kind, understanding, sympathetic, although stubborn. This is why I loved you. And there are many more things I could tell you, but I couldn’t. You didn't give me this opportunity. And maybe you're right. But you can't order your heart.

I am writing this letter for you. Maybe someday you will read it and change your mind about me. And I willgo with the flow and wait for something to appear in my life that will replace you.

I love you very much and will always wait...

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