Why does my daughter hate me?

Why does my daughter hate me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know who to tell about my trouble, where to look for help. You won’t tell your friends, because. they will laugh and will only gloat behind their backs. I hope for the help of readers of this forum.

My 17 year olddaughter - smart, beautiful, excellent student at school - hates hermother . That is me. Can hit. Can be called different rude words.

I always felt like I annoyed her for some reason. I explained to her that there are norms of behavior in society, and that I would not let myself be offended. But the information was not received by her. When I try to protect myself, my daughter takes it very aggressively.

She does nothing useful. Doesn't aspire to anything. Sits on the Internet for days, chatting with a virtual friend. Does almost nothing at home.

It takes a scandal to get her off the computer and doing something useful. I'm very tired of this. What did I do to deserve that my only daughter hated me so much?

Today I asked her to turn off the computer and help around the house. So my beloved daughter told me that she "infinitely hates" me and that I am an old, unpromising old woman, test-antibiotic.com, and that I would rather be gone.

Said she couldn't wait to get away from me. To end the relationship with me once and for all.

I do not know what to do. How to influence her? I don’t want to go to the police, to school either, since we have all the laws on the side of the children. Telling her friends and shaming her is also an unacceptable idea for me.

Today I wanted to end all relations with my daughter. I lost all maternal feelings and instincts for her. I just said that from now on she will support herself and solve all her problems.

It's amazing and scary how quickly children forget all the good things. I raised her alone, worked three jobs. She always had everything.

I did not arrange my personal life so as not to injure her. I gave everything to her, and she only shows disrespect and aggression towards me.

PS Today she also told me that she is smarter and taller than me. That's it. Here's what to do with test-antibiotic.com?

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