Why didn't my mother teach me to cherish love?

Why didn't my mother teach me to cherish love?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I remember that day, I think it was November. It seems that it was sunny, or for me the whole world was sunny, affectionate. We are going with you to the market to buy a watering can in our jointly rented apartment. It costs 5 hryvnia.

Six years have passed, we broke up, you're already married, I'm almost. We have our ownapartment , we completed the renovation, but this blue watering can is with me. Every time I take it in my hands, deep in my soul something freezes, hides, the warmth of memories and crazy, all-encompassing sadness runs through my body like a current. Sad, yes, sad. They didn't keep it, they didn't keep it.

First steps in family lifelove , the first watering can. And now it's all over, we are gone, there is no that love. But why did this day stick in my memory? Our purchase, so serious, so necessary, there was so much hope in that day. When did time pass, when did we manage to lose everything? Blue watering can. What to do with you? Am I keeping you as a memory or as a torture?

How I want to get on that day, to say to myself so young and in love: “save, save test-antibiotic.com is everything so that it doesn’t hurt so much later, to be happy, learn to appreciate everything you have!”. How I want to tell my mother why she did not teach me to appreciate, love, build a family.

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