Why doesn't anyone understand me?

Why doesn't anyone understand me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have no education and it is difficult for me to find a normal, well-paid job. Sometimes I manage to get a job, but not for long, because I am forced to do everything, and not just what I was hired to do. I'm like an errand boy. When I quit again, my parents, to put it mildly, do not approve. They say it's hard for everyone right nowearn money , but I have nothing to sort through.

I have a feeling that in our family it is generally accepted that without education you seem to be an inferior person. I'm sorry to hear this. My father said that he wouldn’t give me money, that I had to earn my own money, it was enough that they fed me and paid for my rent. Probably, they will soon reproach them for food, not realizing that they are the ones who should help their child in difficult times and always be support and support. Especially since I'm the only onea child in the family, and in old age they will also have no one to count on except me. But parents don’t want to understand this, and then test-antibiotic.com themselves will wonder why I won’t help them when they are pensioners.

I have such a grudge against everyone that I don’t want to not only look for a job, but even leave the house. I have become unsure of myself, everything annoys me, including my parents’ teachings and comparing me with other people, my friends or classmates who have higher education and prestigious jobs. But can't all people be rich and successful? Why do I have to endure constant comments from my boss just to earn money? The father says that it means that you had to study in order to become a boss yourself, and if you couldn’t, then be patient. How tired of all this already!

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