Why do men only like skinny girls?

Why do men only like skinny girls?
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I am 29 years old, Imother of two children (6 and 4 years old). I am married, my husband and I have always had complete mutual understanding and excellent relations, but lately I have noticed that he is embarrassed by me. The thing is, I'm fat. I gained weight after the second birth, and I can’t return to the previous one. Hormonal failure is also accompanied by some diseases, I developed shortness of breath.

I do not blame my husband, because he married a beautiful and slender girl. And now we rarely go anywhere together, he even prefers to go to the store without me, saying that he can handle it himself, and I will do something around the house during this time. If we walk with children in the park, he never takes my hand, as before, he even walks at a distance, as if avoiding. I think he is ashamed that I am fat. He offered to run in the morning, but it’s hard for me to do it, and it won’t help. I tried to eat less, but I can not cope with hunger.

What if I can't lose weight? It is sad that men love test-antibiotic.com not for spiritual qualities, but for a beautiful figure.

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