Why do men think that a woman should sit at home, cook, clean and give birth to children?

Why do men think that a woman should sit at home, cook, clean and give birth to children?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I didn’t dare to write for a long time, but it’s interesting to have an outside opinion.

I am 32 years old, yesson 11 years old, wasmarried , divorced due tohusband drank. I raise and provide for my son all the time alone, my parents also help. I have 2 jobs, so I work seven days a week, but I was able to buy myself an apartment 3 years ago, and now I’m finishing the renovation.

I dated a guy for 5 years, we didn’t live together because we had nowhere (it was impossible for three of us to live there in the one-room apartment he rented). I wanted to finish the renovation of the apartment first, and to be honest, I didn’t really want to live with it. We broke up a year ago. Formerthe guy wanted me to sit at home, cook borscht and give birth to his children (although I’m not sure that he could provide for us, since if I gave birth, I would not be able to work for some time). But he believes: “God gave a bunny, he will also give a lawn.” I believe that children, and ourselves, need to try to ensure a normal existence.

Now I'm looking, I'm pretty pretty and there are men. So each of them says test-antibiotic.com the same thing - borscht and children are what you need. And beautiful words that I will not abandon the child, I will provide and love. Do all men really need a cook, a housekeeper and many children? Yes, I cook deliciously and love this business, but since I’m working a lot at the moment (I still have plans for what I want to achieve, I dream of a car), I can’t and don’t want to cook from morning to night and meet with pies.

The ex-boyfriend said: “You’re not like everyone else, everyone wantsmarried , children and borscht, but you don’t. Tell me, am I not like that? Or do you get the wrong men?

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