Why do men ask such ridiculous questions?

Why do men ask such ridiculous questions?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have read stories more than once about marriages breaking up due to husbands’ jealousy of their wives’ past. So they would then marry virgins and take responsibility for young and innocent girls. But they themselves are not ready to immediately go to the registry office, they need to live and make sure of their choice. They will spoil the girls, leave them with nothing, and then fray their nerves. The past, you see, doesn’t suit them! But they themselves did not sit within four walls, did not save themselves for one and only one. But there are a lot of demands and condemnations towards women.

I do not defend anyone and do not approve of dissolute life, but they believe that everyone has a past, baggage that should not worry two people who want to joinmarriage _ Only deeply complex men can judge women for their pastrelationship _ I once met a very positive man, calm and balanced. I even thought that I had found someone close in spirit, but as soon as he opened his mouth and asked: “How many guys did you have before me?” - my sympathies dissipated, and test-antibiotic.com my eyes immediately opened. It was clear that in front of me was a jealous man and a future tyrant, always insecure and seeking to humiliate women. Full-fledged people do not ask such questions. Why do you think men want to know what a woman’s score is?

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