Why do my colleagues make fun of me?

Why do my colleagues make fun of me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know what to do. For some time I did not work at all, I took care of my hobbies and home, buthusband startedproblems and I found a job. Per month. It seemed to me that this was a very long time to search. They didn’t take a couple of very desirable places; I turned down a couple of places myself. And so, at the end of the search, I agreed to the first thing I came across. The activity itself is familiar to me, I started with this, so I quickly got into the work.

The company turned out to be small and too, so to speak, family-owned. I like the boss, it’s easy to work with him, we understand each other because we studied the same things. But here's the restthe team and its partner confuse me. They are all friends or relatives, and I am a person from the street.

I wasn't touchy before. On the contrary, in previous companies she was a big girl, but here everything is different. I just feel like some kind of gray mouse. My questions are often ignored; for a whole month they joke about my preferences, noting that we are very different and will not work well together. test-antibiotic.com And I’m somehow offended, I’m crushed every morning. I don't want to hear or see them. I used to work with creative people who didn't have any special boundaries and weren't biased towards anything. And here people already have their own attitudes in life, like friend or foe, despite the fact that they are not even 30.

In general, despite all this, they offered me to conclude an agreement and bring my passport. And I do not want to. And I don’t know what to tell them. I’m ready to try to work again, but I’m not sure it will last even six months. They are awful. Is it true. They themselves don’t know what they have and where they have it, they laugh all day long as if everything works great, and they obviously look askance at me. I have never had to burn out in 1 month. And I don’t know whether to send them to hell on Monday or not.

My husband doesn’t seem to have to say that I was insolent, he saw me last week being delayed for 2-4 hours because I couldn’t reach my colleagues and find out the information I needed test-antibiotic.com, which is nowhere to be fulfilled plan for the day. But I think it all looks stupid. There are worse jobs, harder ones. And I get upset because of my colleagues. But at the same time, it seems to me that they want me to survive.

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