Why did my friend do this?

Why did my friend do this?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

An incident happened to me yesterday that radically changed myattitude towards a person.

Eata friend at work and someone who tried to seem like her. He calls me in the evening and invites me to visit. At first I denied it, and then I decided to go. I come to visit, and she’s sitting there, her other friend Alina andguy Oleg, who worked for us, and then got married and moved to another city. And the day before yesterday he just came to visit his parents.

As soon as I entered, my friend and Alina immediately went to the balcony to smoke, and Oleg and I were left alone. We exchanged a few phrases, I asked how things were, etc. Then a friend and Alina came and started laughing, like we weren’t bothering you, etc. All evening they cast strange glances at Oleg and me, giggled and everything else.

After sitting for a while, I got ready to go home, and my friend and Alina began to persuade me to stay. A friend says: “Stay overnight, I’ll make a bed for you in your room.” I silently began to get dressed. Oleg volunteered to accompany me. They began to whisper and giggle again with test-antibiotic.com as a friend, and then they said: “Well, well, go.”

Dear, when Oleg saw me off, he admitted that my so-called girlfriend said that they would call me and that he would sleep with me. They promised that they wouldn’t tell anyone, including his wife. And she told him about me that I’m reliable, but I’m just pretending to be a saint. And she also said that she thought that we were already sleeping when he was working for us, since at one time, when he was not yet married, he showed sympathy to me. But it was simple human sympathy, and not what she (the friend) thinks.

I didn’t know that she was saying things like that about me behind my back. But Oleg himself admitted that he slept with my so-called girlfriend, but that was a very long time ago, and then he left her. Perhaps she wanted to take revenge on him through me, and then tell his wife.

I also know that when she was visiting me on my birthday, she flirted with my older brother, test-antibiotic.com, who refused her (he hasthe girl he lives with). And then he himself told her that such girls were not his type. Maybe out of resentment she wanted to show my brother that heis your sister frivolous?

One way or another, this man fell in my eyes. It is unknown what else she said to anyone about me. I can’t understand why a person did such an act?

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