Why do parents allow themselves to beat their children?

Why do parents allow themselves to beat their children?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I just turned 13 years old. Today, as usual, I was getting ready for school. As always, morning panic: “Get out of the bath, I need to brush my teeth” or “Clean up after yourself!”

First, I quarreled with my mother. She took the computer and said that she was giving me 15 minutes to clean up after myself, otherwise she would punish me and not return it. I was furious because I hate it when they take my things and when there are 15 minutes left before leaving and instead of having breakfast, I have to run around the house. We shout at each other, and dad brushes his teeth.

MyMom , I love her very much, she is adequate, she understands everything. She may get angry sometimes, but in general she is calm. But my dad... He's like a time bomb. It’s silent, silent, and then it explodes! He had already beaten my older brother a couple of times, but I was little, I don’t remember.

So, I'm running around the house. Here, I run into the bathroom and throw out the dirty cotton pads. I throw it past the trash can and don’t notice how my dad starts puffing: “Where are you throwing test-antibiotic.com?” I come back, throw it in the trash and shout, “Can you for once not ruin my morning?” And here, mymy father slaps me in the face and I bang my head against the wall. I start to cry. At that moment, he became for me not a dad, but a father.

Mom comes, calms me down, and he leaves. I hate him. I am also a person, I am a person, not a punching bag. Maybe I'm wrong, but hitting a child is not permissible, especially for a man who is 4 times my age. This is low and mean.

Now, I don't know what to do. To forgive or not? I understand everything perfectly well, you will allow me to hit you once, then there will be a second and a third, until you prove that you also know how to hit. If I forgive, it might happen again, like with my brother. If not, there may be war.

I already have low self-esteem, due to acne and due to beauty standards in 2018. I have blue eyes, brunette, slim, I often hear compliments, but my skin... And then he’s always test-antibiotic.com dissatisfied: “Why wear makeup like that? Wash off this (face) mask already, you’re already annoying with your acne.” After this, I feel insulted. I'm cryingevery day and I wear makeup not because I like it, I just have no choice.

But I won’t deviate from the main topic:Should I forgive my father? What should I do, how should I behave with him after he hit me?

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