Why did my sisters do this to me?

Why did my sisters do this to me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There were five sisters in our family. After the death of our older sister, they persuade me to come to Russia from a neighboring country to live in the apartment of the deceased, since I was left alone in a foreign land and had just buriedhusband . This was also the will of the deceased, but she did not wait for me.

Upon arrival, my relatives greeted me warmly, but not a word about the registration of the apartment in my name. While I was on the way, one of the sisters entered into an inheritance, registered the apartment in her name, informing the notary that there were no other heirs. This samemy sister sold this same apartment to the deceased many years ago. Thus, she decides to take ownership of it again, but now as an heir at law.

The notary, with her consent, still allows me to apply for an inheritance, since I am also an heir by law. Registration for the apartment will be cancelled. After this, the remaining sisters also submit applications for inheritance. Now we are 4 owners in this apartment.

Question: “Why was I invited to live there?”

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