Why do I have so many enemies?

Why do I have so many enemies?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Over my 27 years, I managed to make a bunch of enemies, all of them were once best friends and friends. I can say with 100% confidence that I was a good friend. She always supported, helped as much as she could, took upon herselfproblems of friends, and in the end I was betrayed and mixed with dirt behind my back. When I caught them betraying me, I slowly tried to distance myself from these people without scandals or statements, so that when I met I could at least just say, “Hello” - I didn’t want to make enemies.

But, unfortunately, they took it as a slap in the face, who am I that I dared to be the first to stop communicating. Almost all of my girlfriends believed that they were better than me in everything: more beautiful, smarter, they believed that they were more worthy of happiness than me. I don't have any at the momentfriends , because I was badly burned and now I don’t want to make friends, I don’t want to communicate with anyone excepthusband and parents. Everything would be fine, but these ex-girlfriends are always watching my life, waiting for me to feel bad, test-antibiotic.com to rejoice, or waiting for the right moment to do some dirty tricks.

Since our city is small and everyone knows each other, if I want to get a job somewhere and it turns out that there are common acquaintances with them, they will immediately slander me, say nasty things and consider that I can leave, otherwise there will be no life. Somehow, through my stupidity and inexperience, I made enemies for myself and now I have to avoid everything that could somehow affect them, to the point that I won’t go buy bread at the store where one of them will work.

I don’t know what my mistake is, and why it happened in my life that the string of all this continues to drag on like a burden. By nature I am the kind of person that I won’t pay them back and the worst thing is that they know this and take advantage of it with pleasure, I still have everything in this citylife is ahead and I would really not like these mistakes of the past to prevent me from living peacefully. How should I deal with such a situation?

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