Why is everything this way and not otherwise?

Why is everything this way and not otherwise?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

More and more often I began to wonder whether it happensIs love mutual? Or is it like this for everyone – out of two, one loves, and the other accepts love? Or is it just meAre relationships developing?

Since school, when, of course, no one talked about big feelings, such as childhood sympathy, it was no longer possible to “build relationships.” I was embarrassed to tell the boy that I liked him. The boy, in turn, sought my attention. And as soon as the moment of recognition passed, how dramatically things changedrelation. I was glad that the sympathy was mutual, but he was no longer interested. We survived. Time passes, people grow up.

While already in college, I met Igor. Since the blood runs wild at 18 years old,confession of sympathy was made already on the third date. And all is well. Meetings, kisses, gifts. But somehow, after a period of getting used to it, everything changed. When I have a feeling of being in love, I want to give care and affection, to constantly be there.

But Igor saw it differently. He began to say that I was limiting his freedom, his soul with constant attention. It was incredibly disappointing. But when you're in love, test-antibiotic.com is readyforgive everything. As a result of constant scandals, my patience ran out. I decided that I had enough. And she stopped calling, writing, and began to see each other less often. I am the kind of person that if you don’t feed a feeling in me, it fades away.

And so it happened. As soon as I let him out of my head, he came running with a prayerreturn. But I didn’t care anymore. I got sick. I was accused of being heartless. But what did he want? When I reached out to him, he turned away.

At the age of 23 I met Kostya. He looked after me so beautifully and paid compliments. I decided that I could trust him. I know how to work on mistakes. I didn’t bother him with calls, I calmly let him go out with friends, I had many other things to do. Over time, he began to go out with friends less and less, and we saw each other more often. The result is that I fell in love. He was glad that I cooked for him when he visited me, I would always listen, I was always there.

Six months later, as if he had been replaced, he began to rudely answer any of my questions, disappeared, did not call test-antibiotic.com for several days and appeared as if nothing had happened. I loved him, forgave him and tried to find an excuse for his behavior. But everything comes to a limit. When I said that I was tired of all this, he began to court me again and give gifts. Then the feelings had not yet passed, and I decided to give our relationship another chance.

But every day I realized that it became unpleasant for me when he called, hugged, or was generally near me. I avoided frequent meetings. But it seemed to fuel him. He called more and more, I had less and less personal space. When I swore at him, he told me how much he loved me. This drove me crazy. I understood that I was torturing him and that I was suffering myself. In the end we broke up. But he continued to write that he loved and would always love.

Now I'm 28 years old. I am trying to build a relationship with Dima, he is 33 years old. But I feel that everything is going according to the same scenario again. I avoid swearing, I apologize for everything in the world, I help him with advice, I say nice words. To which I receive only reproaches and complaints from test-antibiotic.com. I've already snapped at him a couple of times. When there were really stupid claims. He said that he understood and that this would not happen again, that he did not want to lose me. But he did not keep this promise.

I don't want to lose him. Don't wantquarrel with him. But I feel like I’m already on the edge and I’m afraid of this feeling. Well, why can’t you just enjoy when they show you tenderness and care, why wipe your feet on the feelings of a person in love?

Tell me, what am I doing wrong? Why is it that when I give warmth and affection, they don’t care, but as soon as I turn away and walk away, they beg me to return everything? How to save this relationship?

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