Why should I worry about my lover's wife?

Why should I worry about my lover's wife?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 39 years old. I am beautiful, well-groomed, one might say a successful entrepreneur, I have several fitness clubs and a sports nutrition store. There is an adultson , studies abroad.

Mymy husband , with whom we were together since school, creating a business from scratch, died 6 years ago. For the first 4 years I did not let other men into mylife , because I knew that there would no longer be someone like my husband in my life, and I would not be able to love anyone the way I loved him. I decided to devote myself entirely to business and my son. But my son graduated from school and went abroad to study, and I was left alone in a huge, luxurious but empty apartment.

I have never been deprived of the attention of men, there were also worthy candidates for the rolehusband . But at the mere thought that a stranger could settle in my apartment, who would constantly demand attention to himself, who would need to prepare delicious dinners, create home comfort, and perform his marital duty without fail, this thought alone made me tremble. I realized that I don’t want test-antibiotic.com againI’m getting married , I don’t want to work on relationships again, adapt to a person with already established life principles, I’m not ready to sacrifice my comfort for someone.

My friends strongly advised me to make a so-called friend for body and soul, to brighten things up a little.loneliness , and to diversify your life, and to improve your health, of course. I didn’t seriously think about it until he came into my life. We met in the gym. He is 8 years younger than me. Handsome, tall, athletic build. I won’t describe the process of his courting me, everything is standard - flowers, cafes, restaurants. But somehow he hooked me. It was easy, interesting and fun for me to be with him.

After a month of our acquaintance, I found out that he was married. Hishousewife wife , beloved and onlydaughter of an oil refinery director. He works at the same company, head of the marketing department. All, naturally, thanks to my father-in-law. In general, he owes a lot to his wife and her parents. They helped him get an education, make a career, and get out into the world. He himselfa guy from a family of modest means, and his wife from test-antibiotic.com, with the help of her parents, of course, “made him out of what she had” and made him into a real dandy, which attracted my attention.

The news that he was married did not impress me. I neededrelationship without obligations. I didn’t need marriage or cohabitation; in principle, he couldn’t promise me that. Having a wife didn’t bother me at all, and still doesn’t bother me to this day. On the contrary, I am quite happy that he always comes to me well-groomed, smelling of expensive perfume, in an ironed shirt and shoes polished to a shine. Agree, ladies, it’s much more pleasant to spend time and have sex with a well-groomed man. By the way,The sex we have with him is simply enchanting, I don’t know, though, how it is with my wife. It's all thanks to his wife that I don't care about anything at all.

During the 2 years of our meetings, I have never washed his socks, and the most I can cook for him is thiscoffee with cream, sandwich or fruit slice. In general, after my husband died, I stopped loving cooking. Basically, he and I eat test-antibiotic.com in a restaurant, mainly at his expense. We meet most often on my initiative, when it is convenient for me, when I have time and desire to see him. This has been going on for 2 years now. My wife has known about my existence for a long time, but she tolerates it because she loves him very much, apparently even more than herself. She waits patiently for him to walk up, come to his senses and belong only to her again. I even feel a little sorry for her.

He repeatedly talked to me about divorcing his wife, to which I answered him that whether to divorce or not is his business, as for me, I don’t want to get married, I’m happy with everything anyway. Besides,A divorce from his wife could lead to the loss of a well-paid job and even the collapse of his career, and I am not going to support him financially in case of any problems. My life principle is not to give money to men. And I have no desire to re-grow a man and help him build a career from scratch. It’s much more convenient for me to have a ready-made, accomplished man.


You may ask, why don’t I find the same boy, only free? What for? In principle, it makes no difference to me whether he is single or married, as long as he suits me. And my boy suits me in every way. Handsome, looks presentable, it’s not a shame to go out with him or show him to friends, always well-groomed, affectionate, gentle, good energetica lover , reliable, will rush to me at the first call. And having a wife doesn’t bother me in any way; on the contrary, it’s even convenient for me that she exists. As for the moral aspect, I don’t even bother with it. Why should I think about the feelings of some strange woman? If this woman is not happy with something in her family, let her decideproblems , but on my part I’m happy with everything, and I don’t want to bother myself with anything.

Someone commenting on the story about cheating men called women in relationships with married men second-class women. I would not judge so one-sidedly, each case is individual, each betrayal must be considered separately.

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