Why should I lose money because of other people's children?

Why should I lose money because of other people's children?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After reading the story about the decisionProblems of behavior of children in public places, I want to outline my own, which happened at my work. There was a sale in our jewelry store. To do this, a display case with discounted goods was moved almost to the middle of the hall. Our showcase is a kind of glass box with lighting and also stickers, sale, all over the box. What I mean is that the display window was clearly visible.

The store is in a shopping center, there are no doors, we have roller shutters and it turns out to be a huge area, which is divided into sections - jewelry, perfume, gifts, and so on.

Comes inthe girl chooses jewelry for herself, puts it aside and goes to get the money. When she returns to pay for her purchase, the girl consultant takes her bag and carries it to the checkout. At this time, shouting: “Mom, look,” a boy on a scooter flies into this box. The display window is in pieces, the jewelry is all over the store,the child is bleeding. By a lucky coincidence, the hostess stopped by and brought us more goods. An ambulance and the police were immediately called.

At first I didn’t understand why the police were there. The owner said that they should record this case, they watched the test-antibiotic.com video from the cameras. The owner took a copy of the video for herself. She looked like she was looking into water! The next day I came runningfather and began to demand compensation fortreatment . The child's eyes were damaged. He makes the store to blame, citing the fact that the store did not create safe conditions.

The owner is demanding compensation for damages for the display case and decorations. As a result, we are “soulless bastards”, and wemoney is more important than a child's health. Yeah I don't carethe child’s health , but I care about my salary, and I don’t want to pay for the fact that the parents did not explain the rules of behavior to the child. The owner said she would not back down and would seek payment for the damage. But if the payments do not cover the display case and decorations that were damaged, then we will not see a bonus.

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