Why don't women want to wear comfortable shoes?

Why don't women want to wear comfortable shoes?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

After reading this story about the pointlessness of long nails, I, in turn, want to ask lovely ladies, why do they wear uncomfortable, impractical shoes? There are more women than men on this site, so perhaps one of them can explain this to me clearly. So far, I have not heard an intelligible answer from any of my friends (regardless of age).

The most interesting thing is to buy shoes a size or two smaller than you need. Many women sincerely believe that this makes their legs look more beautiful, they say, men don’t likegirls with big feet. Where did this heresy come from? Have you ever asked men for their opinion? Is there at least one who not only forced, but at least was not against this voluntary fanaticism of yours?

Buying women's shoes that are not only beautiful, but also practical is not at all difficult. There are a lot of opportunities for this, from fashion shopping in online stores to traditional multi-hour trips to markets and shopping centers (in which, unfortunately, I had to participate more than once). But from all the variety of models, test-antibiotic.com women choose the most inconvenient ones: high heels, harnesses that cut into the leg, too thin soles that slide on the floor and on ice and other unjustified madness.

Dear women, stop tormenting yourself and making sacrifices that no one demands of you! Grown men who suddenly want to pay attention to your shoes will appreciate not their brutal sadistic “beauty”, but your ability to dress according to the weather and the occasion. You lose a lot in the eyes of a man by sliding on the ice in your narrow winter boots without a grooved sole, but with stiletto heels. This does not cause tenderness, but irritation. You show that you are not even able to dress for the weather, that you are not capable of making informed, deliberate decisions. Maybe this will not be important for a man who does not plan a serious relationship with you, but forFor your husband or someone who truly loves you, looking at this is torture. Why do you torment the vulnerable male psyche with your unprovoked masochism?

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