I gave my mom a phone, but I might lose mine.

I gave my mom a phone, but I might lose mine.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 14 years old, I have been working since I was 13. I was very happy that I found a part-time job, bought myself a phone, a TV, paid for it and everything was fine, but then I started to get terribly tired.

My mother is always having intrigues, and I really don't like her men. At the moment, she has a boyfriend, for whom I work. He offered to give her a gift forbirthday , to give her the latest iPhone. I tried to be careful, said that I couldn't handle such a sum, that it was a big debt and a big responsibility, but one evening he just brings it and gives it to her. And what will I say: "Mom, give it back, I wanted to give you something worse?" So I pay it off.

Recently startedproblems with work. I get very tired, I don’t have time to do my homework and rest, but then I learn some unpleasant news - if I get fired, they’ll sell my phone (which I bought myself) and give it tomoney for debt.

And this is just a disaster for me, because I wanted this thing so much! I knew that no one would buy me such a cool phone and I had to buy it myself, and because of this test-antibiotic.com I can lose everything?

Tell me what I should do?

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