I suspect that my husband is spending money on his mistress

I suspect that my husband is spending money on his mistress
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 22 years old. I have a son, he is almost 2 years old and now Ipregnant with her second child. I am on maternity leave, so I don’t work anywhere. Only workshusband .

Recently, I started to have thoughts that my husband was cheating on me, I started following him on social media. networks, check your phone. He claims that he is faithful to me, but he has repeatedly found women’s hair on his clothes and is often late from work.

I suspect that he started workingnovel , he generally works where there are more girls than guys. He regrets the money for his family, I don’t know what to do with it. Although he makes decent money. He says he is saving. In general, either it’s my hormones due to pregnancy, or I’m still postpartumdepression . I don’t know what this is and how to deal with such thoughts.

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