A friend was looking for the perfect man, but never found him

A friend was looking for the perfect man, but never found him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a close onefriend Marina. When we met, she came to work with us as an economist, she made a good impression on me, she was cheerful, interesting and about my age. I decided that we quietly needed to become friends. It turned out that she didn'tmarried and actively looking for a futurehusband . At that time she was 31 years old. It's time to have children before, as they say, the train leaves.

I always liked her enthusiasm and the way she approaches life in general. She doesn't get discouraged thoughnot married and no children at this age. She doesn’t have her own place - she rents, she doesn’t have any money either - the salary is simply ridiculous, enough to keep her from starving, and thank you for that. Although I had everything that any woman dreams of in our time, I had such an optimistic attitude and outlook onI have never been able to boast in my life . And to be honest, at that time I didn’t really believe that a woman after thirty could go outmarried (now I have changed my mind).

Marina test-antibiotic.com firmly hoped that she would certainly be happy with someone tall, handsome, caring, smart, kind, non-smoking and non-drinking, the list goes on. Moreover, the list of requirements for the future husband, it should be noted, was huge and only fit on an A1 sheet of paper, and even then in small handwriting. To which I hinted to her more than once, they say, moderate your ardor, such men simply do not exist in the world. Slow down, lower the bar. But Marina categorically did not listen to me.

And men liked her: she was beautiful, took good care of herself, and dressed with taste. But she turned her nose up at everyone. I even received a marriage proposal a couple of times, but no. She will find something better for herself, she deserves better. We kept coming across some less than ideal men, sometimes not very handsome, sometimes overweight, sometimes some kind of incomprehensible one, sometimes just a security guard.

Meanwhile, the years passed, they didn’t even walk, they ran. And now my friend Marina is already forty-two. She never found the king, didn’t give birth to children, her gaiety has noticeably diminished, as has her former enthusiasm, and all she has now, test-antibiotic.com, is a few bosom friends and an unloved job, which she goes to like hard labor. In short, melancholy. And now, after time has passed, she herself tells me: “She was stupid, there are no words. They proposed marriage, I had to go. It’s really hard to be alone without a husband, and it’s somehow not fun without children.”

Marina, of course, does not lose heart, hopes to meet someone, get married and be happy, but she no longer even thinks about children, she has abandoned this idea. What are children like at her age? They need to have time to educate and put them on their feet.

I would like to remind Marina, and all women who want to get married, that there are no ideal men, there have not been and never will be, nature has not created them and is unlikely to ever create them. Therefore, men must be accepted and loved as they are. And they will love you in return, so imperfect and far from ideal.

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