Help from a former classmate

Help from a former classmate
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Trouble, as they say, does not come alone. I dated my boyfriend for three years, but recently he said that he met another girl and we should break up. I was very hurt and upset, and then I was laid off at work. And I started to feel terribledepression . At twenty-six years old, I believed thatlife didn't work out. All mineI already had friendsmarried , some had children, and they had no time for me. But I still can’t manage to organize my life.

In order not to upset my parents, I left home for the whole day and walked in the park. One day I accidentally met my former classmate, whom we had not seen since school. We were never friends, and I didn’t immediately want to tell her about myProblems . But I had no one to share it with, so I told her my story. We talked, exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways. I was grateful to her for listening to me and thought that I would never meet her again.

But a few days later she called me and invited me to go on vacation with her abroad. She took on all expenses because she could afford it. It turned out,her husband was much older than her and a very wealthy man. He loved her very much and did not refuse her anything, but he only agreed with me to let her go to sea - he was jealous. And I accepted the offer.

Back at the airport, I bought myself an original calendar as a souvenir and marked this day on it as the beginning of a new life. During my vacation, I never remembered my ex-boyfriend; I swam, sunbathed, and went on excursions. But all good things come to an end quickly, and it was necessary to return home and look for work.

A surprise awaited me at home. My parents were at the dacha, and I lost my keys somewhere on the trip. It was evening, and we needed to spend the night somewhere or try to break down the door. But I didn’t have enough strength for this, so I called my neighbors. A young man opened the door for meguy and, having found out what was going on, said that it was not necessary to break the door and that I could spend the night with them. They recently bought this apartment. HisMom was also not against this, saying that we are now neighbors and should help each other.

This is how I met my future not only neighbor, but also husband. And I asked my classmate to become our daughter’s godmother. And I am grateful to fate for giving me a meeting with these people.

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