After two divorces, I don't believe in a happy family life

After two divorces, I don't believe in a happy family life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know what to do in my situation. I am 32 years old and have already been married twice. And both times he got divorced because his wives cheated on him. Both lacked love and it’s not clear why. They both said I was a robot. It's a shame. I have never offended them in any way, I always havemoney , everything, no matter what they asked, I provided everything. Sexually, everything is fine too.

Second exAfter the divorce, the wife came running back six months later to beg for forgiveness, saying that the demon had misled her and she had made a mistake. I didn't even listen to this heresy. Now I've been living alone for a year. Meet someone and buildI don’t want a relationship after their betrayal. I Monogamous. I found a kept woman on the site and, in principle, such a relationship suits me.

Not long ago, my distant relatives experienced grief. The mother of two children, who raised them alone, died of a heart attack. Now they are alone and no one wants to take them. The boy is 8 years old, the girl is 6. They are my second cousins. I haveapartment and country house. I could take them in, but they don’t know me at all, and I don’t know them. I still don’t know how to behave with children. Will I be a good student when I lead such a kitten lifestyle? And the last thing that’s gnawing at me is to change my lifestyle - I don’t want to do anything, but with two children I’ll have to.

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