After my girlfriend cheated, I can’t find my love

After my girlfriend cheated, I can’t find my love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 29 years old. At 25, I met a beautiful girl 9 years older than me. There was passionlove , I don’t even know how to describe these feelings, when she was next to me, her smell alone drove me crazy, or I simply fell in love without memory.

After some time, I often began to catch her texting on the phone with others, we talked about it, everything seemed to stop, and my love for her still flourished.

Ourthe relationship lasted for a year, I will not describe what I experienced, she was still the one and only for me. These passages from memory still warm the soul.

You know, it happenshappiness gives way to unhappiness, this did not pass me by either. It all started with her little indifference, I couldn’t get the truth, what could have happened, after another two weeks the relationship worsened, and then the veil of love lifted a little from me, and I felt that, probably, she had someone. I tried to find out from her, asked her to leave on good terms, if there was anyone, because my soul was terribly sick.

One night she fell asleep and forgot to hide her phone, and that’s when I found out everything. The next morning we parted, you know, I cannot convey to you in letters how I felt at that moment, I stopped living, I began to exist. Somehow pulling myself together, I plunged into work, 2 months passed and imagine, she writes that she wants everythingreturn , be together, she made a mistake. Naturally, I did not forgive, this happened several times, then less and less.

Now 2.5 years have passed, I didn’t have anyone else after her, no, I don’t love her, but I can’t start a new relationship either. I don’t blame anyone, and I don’t really care what she has, but you know, I would like to look into her sky-blue eyes at least once again. Don't cheat on your loved ones, take care of your love.

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