After my wife's betrayal and divorce, I lost the meaning of life

After my wife's betrayal and divorce, I lost the meaning of life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My wife and I started to deterioraterelationships are out of the blue. She stays at home with the children, doesn't work, I haveproblems at work and this bad mood comes home with me, and if at home something is wrong, then I start up half-turning.

We swore without hands, without swearing, we just say unpleasant words to each other in 2 minutes and go to the corners, or rather, I begin to remain silent. Last time, in order not to say too much, I didn’t talk to her for 2 weeks, and she’s so good to me that she’ll still bring me everything, do it, etc. and I took advantage of it, but I overdid it, and she boiled over and took revenge on me. I caught her in the act, cheating, but she didn’t know how to get out of it and just kept silent, it was embarrassing. We lived in a separate house with her parents and they politely asked me from there, all her relatives, no one understands why this happened. Everyone tells her that she is wrong, but she doesn’t listen to anyone, she has one adviser - hersister , who for a long time lived with one person, with whom she would sleep for a fur coat, then with another for perfume, etc. And here's minethe wife decided to try the same open relationship.

It's been a year since we've been together, and she's already 6 or 7a guy with whom she wants to build something, but everyone, apparently, takes advantage of her and leaves her, because she has 2 children. I just didn’t live for six months, and even now I can’t help myself, it’s very bad, I have no strength, I’ve lost the meaning of life - my family, and sometimes I don’t even want to live. I want to drink 200 grams of vodka (and I don’t drink at all), get behind the wheel, go out onto the highway and catch some truck head-on and that’s it, leave. My wife doesn’t say anything about me to my children and generally doesn’t discuss this topic with them, she also allows me to see each other at a minimum, but my conscience gnaws at me most of all that my children will never understand me, because I went through this myself, lived without a father, and I know , what it is. Everything is out of my hands, my head is filled with only them and my wife, I’m tired, but I can’t do anything.

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