After my divorce, all men annoy me

After my divorce, all men annoy me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 38 years old, yesson 13 years old, I don'tMarried . All neighbors, parents, friends have been repeating one thing for the last 10 years: “When will youWill you find yourself a husband ?"

But I do not wantI got married , I was there once, lived there for three years, got divorced and don’t want to anymore. I don't want tothe man in my apartment flashed before my eyes, cooking his dinners, adjusting to his mood. I'm happy on my own.

Of course, I have meetings with men, sometimes, but it’s so boring and sick of other people’s male faces. How to fall in love, I don’t know? In my youth, I easily fell in love, dated, broke up, I really wanted a family, children, my own home. When I gave birth to a child, I completely immersed myself in motherhood,the child has replaced the whole world for me.

The husband was a very good man, but who would like thatthe wife is all about the child, but zero attention to him. That's why we broke up. My husband got another one who fulfilled all his wishes and ran around like a dog in front of him. I don’t regret at all that this happened and the resentment and bitterness from parting have long passed. Now we communicate with my ex-husband as friends, but I am also sick of him.

I guess I'm not right in the head that I don't like anyone. I am an ordinary woman, not a model, but pretty, sexy, playful, I cook delicious food, kind, honest. But I can’t fall in love. How to force yourself to fall in love and get married? I’ve been wanting to ask for advice for a long time, maybe people have the same problem as me.

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