After my divorce I realized that I like being alone

After my divorce I realized that I like being alone
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was in a relationship for six years, married for four years and two before. It all ended like many of those who wrote on this site: she found someone else, came up with a bunch of different nonsense, blamed me for everything and left.

Since we got married as students and acquired all the property together, according to all the laws of our country, this very property was received by the exmy wife , and I was left with nothing. He left for nowhere with a bag of his clothes, a laptop and tools in a bag in his other hand, and a cat named “May”.

At first I lived with a friend, and later, when my eldest found out about everythingmy sister , she let me in (she and her husband have a large private house and they gave me a room). Thanks to both my friend and my beloved sister for supporting me in difficult times.

It took me some time to recover both emotionally and financially. Starting from scratch and saving up for an apartment in a new way (and with our prices and the stability of the economy, it’s simply beyond words to describe what a lottery it is), plus time to erase the past in my head and soul...

So far, back and forth - and now five years have passed again. I won’t put on bravado and say that I’m super cool, no, I’ll be honest: I’m an ordinary person, I’m 30 years old and I’m still not married.

Yes, financially I have been normal for a long time, but emotionally and spiritually... everything is different here. No, I won’t say it’s bad, it’s just that everything is different, calm. Yes exactly. I don’t know, maybe I’m burned out, or maybe that’s just the way I am as a person, butI'm not interested in relationships anymore. I’m quite happy living alone, I’m happy with my calm, quietlife , and I don’t want to change that. I won’t lie or dissemble, I’ll say openly: I no longer have faith in relationships (at least as they are officially presented to us in books and movies).

Relationships are completely different. Looking at real positive examples (my parents, my sister and herhusband ) I can confidently say that this is a huge rarity. Finding something like this in our time is almost impossible, and I have no desire to waste money on chaff. And, to tell the truth, I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that relationships are simply not my thing, at least not those “relationships” that everyone talks about. I am fed up with the system “a man must” and “a woman must be loved unconditionally.” There is no desire to play with one goal anymore and invest in something that will later turn out to be an absolute disaster for you.

I think those men who have gone through this understand me perfectly.

Read together with it: