After everything that happened, I don't believe in a happy life

After everything that happened, I don't believe in a happy life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm an orphanmy mother abandoned me, then I was taken into care by people who also bullied me and abandoned me since I was 16 years old. I belonged to myself, I saw everywhere only humiliation and the words: “you are not my own, you are abandoned.” All I wanted was to grow up faster and build my family strong and large.

At the age of 17 I gave birth, my husband and I lived for 5 years, in the end I outgrew him, and his interests included partying, drugs, and mine - the house,child . That's why I left him. Then I met another person, everything was perfect, but six months later I found out about the betrayal.

I left him, he didn’t mind, and in the end, when I left, I found out thatpregnant , gave birth to a second one. Now neither of the fathers needs children. I tried to forget everything about myself, when another one appearedthe man who was courting us, in the end we got along, and I understood that maybe there was no need to chop rashly, but it was necessaryforgive and save the family.

He cheated two or three times, I forgave everything, then if I found out about cheating, he beat me for getting into his phone. He ended up stealing gold from the house,money was all there was. I forgave the last thing, and even that, but in the end he left for someone else, and I was left alone without everything. Just me and the kids. I no longer believe in men and in happylife too. I blame myself and feel guilty about everything.

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