After marriage, I fell into moral and financial dependence

After marriage, I fell into moral and financial dependence
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 36 years old and have been for 11 yearsmarried to a man of a different nationality and religion. There is a teenage daughter from her first marriage. I live abroad with my family and work in a good job. It seems to me that I am a very open, kind and sincere person, but at the same time vulnerable and impressionable.

First yearthe marriage was wonderfulmy husband cared and protected me, told me about morals and ethics. But one day I found out that my husband was meeting girls on the Internet and conducting virtual sexual correspondence. We started quarreling, my husband became aggressive, andrelations have cooled. After some time, he announced that he no longer loved me.

The breakup was the hardest for me, but after a couple of months we got back together. A couple of years later, his ex-fiancee appeared and we separated again (he explained that we were unhappy with each other). Stress for me again, but I pulled myself together and tuned indivorce . When I started talking to him about divorce, he began to win me back, swore and swore that he realized everything and did not want to lose me.

Things have gotten better, but from time to time I catch him cheating virtually, or I find condoms in a bag and find out that he spent the night in a hotel, and told me that he went on a picnic with friends, etc. d. He doesn’t give any clear explanations to all my questions, or tries to convince me that I’m making it up. When I try to talk to him or just share my experiences, he explodes or simply walks away from the conversation.

I feel that we are different, we have different views onlife and the family as a whole, there are no common interests. Sometimes he acts like a moody teenager, even though he is almost 40 years old. Sexual relationships became very rare and insipid, I tried to diversify them in various ways, but I don’t feel any return. I understand that I am tired, I feel lonely, there is no one with whom I can share. I want to give up everything and start life from scratch, but I can’t, becausemy daughter studies in a private school and if I leave, I won’t be able to pay for school myself and I’ll have to return to my homeland, which really scares me (the peculiarities of local legislation will not allow me to survive here financially on my own). I feel trapped being marriedloneliness and hopelessness gnaws.

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