Boyfriend's constant cheating

Boyfriend's constant cheating
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My boyfriend and I have been together since 11th grade. In 2013, we entered different universities. The first year after school everything was great. When we were in our second year, we startedrelationship problems . They were mainly due to the close communication between my boyfriend and his classmate. Ultimately, in the spring of 2014 we broke up. A month later he contacted me himself. I couldn’t resist because I love him very much, and we started all over again. But, unfortunately, from that moment on everything went wrong.

Every month ourrelations became increasingly tense. Of course, there were wonderful happy moments, but thishappiness was quickly overshadowed by a new scandal. He spent very little time with me and disappeared with friends. We saw each other several times a week for 40-60 minutes. I missed him incredibly, but I couldn’t do anything about it all, I couldn’t put any pressure on him. It so happened that on June 2, 2015, my young man went into the army. The real “fun” began a week before his departure.

He just simply disappeared, he avoided me, didn’t get in touch. I was so depressed. As a result, three days before he left, we finally met for about 20 minutes, and he said that we should break up. But he still called me to see him off. There he once again said that it was all over between us. The next day he was supposed to fly directly to his duty station. He called me from the distribution center and offered to come and escort him to the plane. I couldn't refuse him. We had a very nice time at the airport. It seemed that everything was fine. The time for his departure was approaching. He gave me some things that the unit was not supposed to have.

We said goodbye and I went home. At home, among these things, I found a tablet. I became very interested in where he got it from. When I turned it on, I realized that it belonged to the classmate with whom mythe beloved communicated closely. In this tablet I found shocking evidence that he had been cheating on me for a year.

With time I realized that I was ready for himforgive , we talked, wrote letters to each other, he repented, promised that this would never happen again. And now, two months before his demobilization, I again find out that he is communicating with this girl, in parallel with his communication with me. I do not know what to do. Are all my hopes for his changes in vain? Help, I'm very confused.

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