I constantly compare my husband to my father

I constantly compare my husband to my father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

One of these days it will be three years since myfather . Every time I think about him, something in the solar plexus tightens and tears roll down.

Essentially, I lost touch with the most important man in my life. I will never meet such an ideal person. This also hurts. It hurts that mymy husband is completely different from my father. He greatly disappoints me because he lacks the character traits that my father possessed. I don't love my husband anymore. I often miss my dad and cry. I want him to at least dream, but I don’t see dreams. I consider my father the most amazing, strong and adequate person. I go through all his amazing qualities and start to hate him.husband .

This hatred makes the longing for my father stronger and more painful. I feel broken and lonely. I love my father very much. For the way he was towards me and in society, for his diplomacy and tact, humor and lightness. There is no such person next to me anymore. And I’m sad that with my husband I’m not so easy test-antibiotic.com and comfortable, he’s not like my father. I inherited all the best from my father, but I am dying under the yoke of a husband who did not live up to my illusions. I compare them all the time and I want to cry.

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