Late love covered me completely

Late love covered me completely
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 35 years old,I have been married for 17 years, my husband is 39. There are two children - 9 and 16 years old. I won’t say that I am happy in my family life. I am strong in character, demanding,The husband is compliant, kind and gentle.

When did you leavegot married , was too young, and confused the feeling of falling in love with a real feeling of love. When I came to my senses, it was too late, I was already bornchild , living together, real estate and all that. I decided to endure it and fall in love.

Lord, how wrong I was! There were constant quarrels. Submitted several timesdivorce , but withdrew the application. By this time there were already two children, material wealth, and I came to the conclusion that my husband seemed normal: he didn’t drink much, didn’t party,He earns money , the main thing is that he loves me. I was ashamed, I couldn’t hurt him that much.

And just like that, 17 years passed. Today, my husband has been living in the USA for 2 years. All this time I was faithful to him, although there were opportunities and suitable cases too, but my conscience did not allow it. It was flirting, but nothing more. Until recently. A little over a month ago,, I met a man quite by accident. He is also not free, there iswife , two children. With my wifeproblems , took a break, but did not file for divorce. We met, had dinner together, everything seemed harmless and, in principle, did not foreshadow anything. But he kissed me goodbye and I disappeared! In the literal sense of the word.

I can’t help it, I didn’t experience betrayal in the full sense of the word, it came to bed, but I’m in some kind of stupor. I can’t, but I want to. All thoughts are about him, I even lost 5 kg this month. He too was overcome by this feeling. He was the first to admit that he loved me and that he wanted me to be his wife. I didn’t think that this would happen to me, like the plot in the series, and this was only a month later. And in him I see everything that I once wanted to see in myhusband , absolutely everything! Even his shortcomings seem like an advantage to me.

Fell in love like a girl. I want to do stupid things, laugh, talk for hours about everything. Got entangled in a web. I understand, on the one hand, my husband and children (the children will not forgive me, most likely, and my conscience torments me that my husband is far away and I’m here), but I can’t live without him either. I am 100% sure that this is my man. You see, mine! I feel him, I understand him like never before, he has the same emotions.

He doesn’t demand decisive action from me, because he understands that there are children (he also disappears after his own). I once suggested that we just separate for a while in order to understand ourselves and our feelings. He couldn’t stand it even for two days, and neither did I. I'm sure this is the real onelove , but there are so many barriers. Our happiness will make many unhappy.

Maybe someone had similar stories?

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