Practical household appliances or romantic bouquets?

Practical household appliances or romantic bouquets?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read Marina's story about howher husband bought her a fur coat as a gift, which she did not need - and she saw herself directly in this confession. My husband also likes to give unnecessary, but beautiful and romantic gifts.

While we were dating, I was simply happy with his tenderness and romance. Well, tell me what,a girl won't be happy if shedoes your loved one come with flowers, and instead of a football pub invite you to the theater? Everything was more than wonderful, but everything has its time.

We got married pretty quickly, after dating for a little less than a year. We lived separately, each with our own parents, so I could not replace the impending problem in time. More precisely, a bunch of problems at once in the form of the complete inability of my beloved man to cope with basic everyday problems and typical household tasks. And if I could still come to terms with the fact that he never filled out utility bills or planned purchases for a week in advance (he will learn, I thought, it’s not the gods who burn pots), then his inability to rationally spend the family budget It just pisses me off.

I don't understand how to deal with this. I have said more than a dozen times that we have many “unromantic” but necessary expenses. And I dropped links to the pages of popular household appliance stores, and created scandals about buying another soft bear, when there was nowhere to store old soft toys, but it doesn’t help. And how not to make a scandal when you send your beloved husband a link to blenders on Skype, ask him to order exactly this and give it to me for Valentine’s Day, and instead he “makes me happy” with another huge and terribly expensive bouquet? And he’s also surprised that I was dissatisfied, he says that he doesn’t understand women, and I “don’t know what I want”!

Maybe it’s really a matter of the huge number of sugary vanilla posts in popular public pages, wheregirls complain about the lack of romance, and some especially impressionable men perceive this whining of slackers as a guide to action? But how can you explain to your husband that in family life a coffee maker or blender is much more important than a stuffed animal or a glamorous bouquet?

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