Does he really love me?

Does he really love me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 21 years old, myThe guy is 24, we have been in a relationship for 2 years and at the guy’s initiative we discussed our plans forfuture . I don’t want a wedding right now, I don’t dream of a magnificent celebration and a bunch of guests. A wedding, in my opinion, is something very quiet and modest. I understand that it’s not a stamp in a passport that keeps people together, but for me it’s something like a special step in a relationship, a vow given to each other in the face of the world. In addition, there is a practical side to marriage, but that is not the only important thing for me.

So here's minethe guy said that he was not going to marry at all, and to me in particular. During the conversation it became clear that, in his opinion,a man gets married in two cases: either it is beneficial for him, or he loves his chosen one very much. How does it turn out that he doesn't love me very much?

And then he asked me if I would have an abortion if I became pregnant now (we use protection, but we both understand that there is no 100% protection and there is a chance, albeit small). I replied that although I don’t want children, if such a situation arises, then I’d rather give birth. To which he replied that in such a situation he would like him to think differently, because it is inconvenient and at the wrong time for neither him nor me. And to my arguments he replied: “Childbirth is also painful and scary, besides, you will suffer for 9 months before it, the probability of dying from childbirth is much higher than from an abortion, and if you cannot have children, it’s okay, you You don’t want them anyway.”

And this made me feel even more painful and offensive. After all, infertility is not just a property of the body, it is a gynecological disease accompanied by suffering. Besides, if I don’t want to have children now, this doesn’t mean that I’m ready to give up this opportunity forever. He doesn’t want to make himself infertile, because there are such procedures for men.

I can’t believe that a man who treated me with such tenderness and said he loved me could want me to suffer just because it would be more convenient for him. I didn'tquarrel with him, I just said how hurt and offended I am by his words and that it’s hard for me to bear thisattitude towards yourself. And then she silently packed up and left. Despite the fact that it was late in the evening, he didn’t detain me, didn’t see me off, didn’t ask later how I got there... He hasn’t been trying to get in touch with me for a week now. And I, too, am silent and suffer alone.

I'm finishinguniversity and work a little (I work part-time, but in my specialty), he is studying in graduate school. He now has a job with a completely normal salary, everyone has good career prospects. We spend a lot of time together, we went on vacation together. Every weekend (and sometimes more often) I visit him, even though we live separately. There were, of course, minor quarrels in the relationship, but overall everything was fine. He always took care of me in little things, consoled me when I was sad, told me that I was the most beautifulgirl in the world, tried to please and I had no doubts about his feelings. And then suddenly...

I love him very much, but now I doubt whether he loves me? And shouldn't we stop theserelationship before it's too late? Should I be the first to make contact and put up with it if he doesn’t write or call?

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